Susan update will be this evening!

August 8th, 2008 - 5:05 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Susan Lovers: I will most likely have an update later today, early evening about our Susan. I am going to call her Mom first and then Susan. If she feels like it I am going to read her as many of the comments you all have left her as possible. I have been saving the drool comments for her as well. I bet it will really cheer her up.

I hope she enjoys the Olympics, because here is her TV viewing, non stop all day long for her entire hospital stay. The opening ceremony tonight is supposed to be jaw droopingly spectacular, with an estimated cost of 300 million and featuring over 10,000 performers! I know I will be tuning in.

Upcoming Olympic Events:

Susan – Olympic TV viewing
Cat – Olympic Blogging
Chaps – Olympic begging
Emma _ Olympic belly rubs
Enzo – Olympic worrying, just look at those worry lines!
(Yes, folks I have Enzo, my sister’s pug for a few days while they take a family trip!)

So stay tuned and More Later…..Cat, Chaps and Emma


August 7th, 2008 - 1:01 pm KY Time


Hi everyone. I just got off the phone with Susan’s Mom and the report is fantastic! They have our girl up and walking down the hall. She was also sitting up for awhile. The surgeon said that she is doing so good that he expects to step her down to the main patient area in 3 to 4 days.

Then she will stay in that area for 3 to 4 days. She can have visitors at that point! So, it looks like she could be going home in about 6 to 8 days. I bet she will be so happy.

Susan is eating a bit of food trying to keep her strength up. She also has a black eye from the surgery and they don’t know how much hair, if any, she has left. That won’t keep our girl down! She is pushing hard to recover and get back to us.

This is a picture of our Susan while visiting the House of Puddles this summer. She is trying to comfort Hermey through a thunder storm!

Susan’s Mom said that Toby and Daisy are doing great and eating good. Her Mom sounds so sweet. I wish I could hug her.

More good news later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Susan Randolph is in the ICU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

August 6th, 2008 - 5:05 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Susan Randolph Lovers and who isn’t one of those?

Our Susan (one of the MOD SQUAD for the Daily Drool) is in the ICU. Susan, (Mom to Daisy and Toby) is recovering after emergency surgery.

She is going to be fine!!!!! She collapsed at work yesterday and was diagnosed with a brain aneurysm. She had surgery late yesterday and is in the ICU. She could be in the ICU for a week or more. I did speak with her briefly. She is very tired and groggy. I probably should have not bothered her, but the nurse at the desk said it would be OK for a few minutes. I was actually calling to get her address so we can all send her cards. She cannot have flowers. I will keep everyone posted. Keep her in your thoughts. Send healing drool for her.

Oh, one more thing. Many of you may know Susan as the gal who wrote and compiled:

Her Mom and Dad are watching Daisy and Toby.

More Susan Updates Later…Cat, Chaps and Emma


Inova Fairfax Hospital
ICU – Room 7
3300 Gallows Road
Falls Church, VA 22042

Cute picture alert!

August 6th, 2008 - 10:10 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and cute picture lovers: This is a picture of Chaps and Emma when they both still lived in TX at BoBac Bassets. Look how little Emma was! She has always loved Chaps. I cannot believe how gray Chaps is getting. He is no where near that red anymore. Do you think Emma had anything to do with that???? (LOL)

Nah, no way! hehehehehe

More cute pictures later…Cat, Chaps and Emma

Save it for a rainy day – no need to cower under Mommy’s desk!

August 5th, 2008 - 4:04 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Blog Sequel Lovers: Well, I have the most fantastic pictures………… of Emma! The Mayor was not willing to let me photograph him with his toy, or I should say Emma’s toy! This is so interesting. Whatever toy that is given to either hound, the other one always winds up with the other one’s toy. Did I make that sentence complicated enough? My Lord, I think you get the point.

Charlene sent the bestest toys in the whole world! I have never seen toys so cute! Here they are!

We are just over the moon with them. Here is what Chaps did. He took the Dubble Bubble toy and went to his place under my desk, (it is still raining) and laid on top of it, like a hen hatching an egg. Is this all part of him being Chicken of the storms? Whatever, makes him happy. On the other hand, Emma was running, jumping, and throwing her Tootsie Roll in the air. It was the cutest thing. Here she is in the bed playing with it!

Then, as if she were one of the super models shooting for Vogue, she did this pose.

Our little model got tired from all of the fun and laid her sweet head down. She really is the bestest little girl in the world. Besides, loving her so much, I wish I had a Tootsie Roll, or 50 to profess my love to!

More cuteness later when I capture Chaps with his bubble gum! It may not be for awhile, I hear more thunder in the distance!

Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Save it for a rainy day!

August 5th, 2008 - 10:10 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and save it for a rainy day lovers! No truer words were ever howled! It is pouring down with rain in bassethoundtown, and look what just came in the mail! It is a package from Chaps’, son’s (Colby Chaps) Grandma in TX. Her name is Charlene and she is like family to us. We didn’t even need to save it because, as you know it is raining!

This is just too cool! It will take Chaps’ mind off of the very slight rumbling of thunder that is going on. Here he is under my desk. Keep in mind that my chair has to fit in front of him and my feet are on each side. Not so comfortable. But who said blogging was for the faint of heart???

The Mayor needs to be close to his Mom when it is pouring down raining. I am just thrilled that I don’t have to water today. This is the view out of my office door, directly to the right is where Chaps is cowering under my desk.

Now you can see why I am so happy about not having to water!

Well, enough about that, I am going to go get my Mom so we can open the package and I can take some good pictures. Please keep checking back for the sequel to this posting.

Save it for a rainy day – no need to cower under Mommy’s desk!

Much more later…..Cat, Chaps and Emma

UPDATE GOOD NEWS! #8 is great!

August 3rd, 2008 - 5:05 pm KY Time



Howllo Fellow Hound and #8 lovers! This poor Mommy does not even have a name. Look at the pup next to her. How adorable. She and her pup are in the Pulaski County Animal Shelter in Somerset, KY. It is pretty near to JuJu Bean’s prison! I am going to put up the same map so you can see it. Somerset is to the left of Harlan City.

Here is the Mommy and baby:

Here is their PetFinder page:

Can you foster or adopt either one of them? If so, contact Susan:


More Later, but not more KY homeless bassets I hope. Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

UPDATE – PENDING NEWS – Blue Moon of Kentucky?

August 3rd, 2008 - 4:04 pm KY Time

UPDATE – UPDATE – UPDATE 10:44 KY time. I just got off the phone with the Harlan Pound in KY.

More good news. We must be doing something right. According to Harlan Pound, JuJu is going to go to a rescue. She could not remember the name, but is checking with someone to find out. A person named Hannah. They took pictures of her yesterday and according to the shelter person, they were just having a bit of trouble getting her from point A to point B.

I am going to call back tomorrow morning and check on her again. So for now everyone take a deep breath. More Later………Cat, Chaps and Emma

Howllo fellow Hound and feeling blue with all of the bassets that are being dumped all over KY. My goodness, Susan of Bluegrass is rescuing like crazy and I am doing my best to help her. I can’t even hold a blow torch to what she does for KY bassets in need!

You have to see this basset girl. She is over the moon cute! Get this, her name is JuJu Bean! OMG, I could eat her with a spoon! She is in Harlan, KY. That is where the red A is. If you look to the left, Hopkinsville is where Susan is. I am 5 minutes from Cincinnati.

Here is her first picture:

Look how white her teeth are! I bet she is fairly young. In this next picture you can see that she has recently had pups.

Here is her PetFinder page:



More Later…..I have one more to post. Stay tuned. Love, Cat, Chaps, Emma and JuJu Bean!

Just because I can…..

August 3rd, 2008 - 9:09 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Mayor Lovers: You have to click on this picture and have the smile of your day. OMG, I am patting myself on the back for this picture. I think I put it in another post, but it is well worth seeing again. Look at hims! I am so in love it hurts!

I am your Mayor…..Chaps Rudert

More of the Mayor later…..Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Eeyore has Angels, aka ABC! (All Bassets Cherished)

August 2nd, 2008 - 6:06 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Eeyore lovers! This poor girl has had a very RUFF life. It just breaks my heart to show this picture, but she would want you to see it. It is how she lived for 5 years in a state of hell in New York.

Our Eeyore was a breeding basset but when she bit a sheltie puppy and nipped the neighbor her time was up at this back yard breeder!

Just imagine any hound wanting to leave this chithouse??? I cannot believe she did not maul her, “owners”. This is a family site so I will not go into the words I have for them.

The “owner” contacted Shelly Gordon, who had been tracking Eeyore for sometime, THANK GOD!

Shelly Gordon – ABC

Shelly picked her up and shot a short video. it is short, so you can watch it. When Shelly picked her up her water was yellow and she had no food.


Shelly states….

“She is filthy like a pig, super long nails, and starved for attention.
He said that he hasn’t let her out of her pen in 3 days.

I brought her back to my house. On the way we stopped for McNuggets.
When we got home, she got a bath in the backyard with a hose. And, I
must say, I think she actually liked it. Now, she smells beautiful.
She is taking a nap here at my feet with her son, Diesel not too far

I didn’t get any vet records with her, but I did get some scrap paper
noting that she has had 2 litters, a total of 21 puppies. They tried
breeding her every heat cycle. She had a litter in January and tried
breeding her again in May.

Now, she starts her new life. She will never sleep outside in the
grass again. It will dog beds, couches, good food, lots of love and
attention from here on in. And, no more puppies. She gets spayed next

She is a sweetheart who is like my shadow. She knows I was there to
take her away and give her a better life. I’ve been trying for 8
months and I am finally going to give it to her.

The first picture is when we first saw her at 3:00. The second is the
car ride home and the third was taken at my house that night.”

Shelly Gordon
ABC Basset Hound Rescue

Here are the second and third pictures! Much better!

It turns out, through some twist of fate that Eeyore is the Mom of Shelly’s hound, Diesel. Shelly’s persistence paid off and now Eeyore is safe and will be spayed this coming week. She is up for adoption. Here is the link to ABC’s available hounds:


Anyone would be super lucky to have her as a family member.

Shelly and her hubby figured out that Eeyore was 5 last week and had a pawtie for hers! Slurp!

From BYB to this?

Like I said, “Eeyore has Angels, aka ABC! (All Bassets Cherished)

More uplifting stories later. Also, if you adopt Eeyore, we need updates!

Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

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