Click the word comment and fill in your caption that best describes Emma’s “look”. The winning caption will win a free Lily book. If you would like to see the panal of Judges go to “Win a Free Book”, click on the , “view panal of judges” and see us. Chaps, our mayor, has recently turned six and now needs glasses. We are looking forward to your captions. We will shut down comment/captions at midnight, 11-1-06, KY time. The winner will be posted via this blog on 11-2-06, with the winning caption. Good Luck fellow hound lovers! Cat Rudert
Come on Chaps, play with me!
It Wasn’t Me! Chaps did it, I swear!!
You said something?
“Ok, there…now take the picture mommy!”
Honest to goodness, mom, I have no idea where all the treats went!
“They say the eyes are the windows to the soul”
I am the “Look”!!!!!!!!!
Look into my e y e s, look into my e y e s!!!!!!!!
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
Who me!! I didn’t do it, I don’t know what your even talking about!!Really I don’t trust me!!
The picture is way too cute.
Cathi Cox & The Waterway Gang
I just know you are going to share that with me!!!AIN’T YA!!!!