Meet Tommie
November 20th, 2006 - 7:07 pm KY Time
This is Tommie. Tommie is the leader of’s Towne Council. He will lead our council with his trustyworthy and loyal nature. Please help me in welcoming Tommie to the Council. Tommie lives in FL with his Mom Marty, his fellow hounds, Duke, Tucker, Ode, and who can forget Sarah!!! (our reality show gal) Stay tuned. Tommie will be keeping us all in line. More later…….
Thank you so much! This is such a honor!I Shall do my best.
Welcome Tommie!!! What a handsome towne council hound you are! Please tell Duke, Tucker, Ode, Sarah and your mom that we say hello from Cincinnati!
Welcome Tommie! What a handsome boy!! Your Canadian friends wish you lots of luck with your new position in Basset Hound Town!
ARROOOOO from Canada