October 26th, 2006 - 6:06 pm KY Time


Click the word comment and fill in your caption that best describes Emma’s “look”. The winning caption will win a free Lily book. If you would like to see the panal of Judges go to “Win a Free Book”, click on the , “view panal of judges” and see us. Chaps, our mayor, has recently turned six and now needs glasses. We are looking forward to your captions. We will shut down comment/captions at midnight, 11-1-06, KY time. The winner will be posted via this blog on 11-2-06, with the winning caption. Good Luck fellow hound lovers! Cat Rudert

Georgia Basset Hound Rescue Bash 11-4-06

October 25th, 2006 - 9:09 am KY Time

The time is quickly approaching for the GBHR’s Basset Bash. Hopefully you can make it and come help these sweet peaches to find a forever home. Lisa, bassethoundtown.com’s graphic designer, and I will be leaving bright and early Friday (11-2-06) morning in time for the out of towner’s get together. Go to http://www.bhrg.org/ for all the details you will need. If you could possibly transport a foster hound to the Bash please contact emmahound@yahoo.com. Lisa and I are picking up a few Georgia peach fosters on our way into town. We hope to see you there. We will be signing the Lily book and will be donating some of the proceeds to the Rescue that day. Or you may be a lucky winner and get one of the five Lily books that I have donated to the raffel.

Happy Birthday Grandpa!

October 24th, 2006 - 8:08 am KY Time

Grandpa is 80 years old today. Chaps and Emma plan on spending the day with him. Chaps and Grandpa have the same middle name, Wayne. Emma jumps as high as his head as soon as she sees him. (Don’t tell the dog whisperer)! Feel free to leave him a birthday comment. More Later…Cat, Chaps and Emma


Friends from Canada

October 23rd, 2006 - 8:08 am KY Time

Hi everyone, I hope you had a nice weekend. We here at bassethoundtown made some new friends. They are from Canada. It gets cold up there and this cute guy named Oakley needs to keep his ears warm with a snood. I know the pickin’s are next to nothing on the site, but I am working hard to fix it. Keep checking back.


I think Oakley likes purple! Lastly, anyone have any comments on the Georgia Basset Hound Rescue Picnic? I am going and I will be signing books. A portion of my sales will go to the rescue. Also, I am donating five of the Lily books to their raffle. You might be a lucky winner???? Please let me know if you are going to be attending!!! More Later… Cat, Chaps and Emma

Bassethoundtown.com,1st internet sale:) /**\

October 22nd, 2006 - 8:08 am KY Time


We are so happy at bassethoundtown.com. This dream of ours has finally come true! We got our first sale yesterday at 6:18 Kentucky time. The sale was all the way from France. Our new friend from France won the grand prize of a free Lily Book! I hope she reads it to these two sweethearts, Miss Penny and Miss Polly as soon as it arrives.

Merci Beaucoup!!!

Happy Sweetest Day from Chaps and Emma

October 21st, 2006 - 9:09 am KY Time

Chaps and Emma want to wish everyone a happy sweetest day. It is a very sweet day in Kentucky and the hounds will be going for a walk. We have our public to greet! Let us know what you are doing on sweetest day!


October 20th, 2006 - 1:01 pm KY Time

The entire bassethoundtown.com website is up and running. I love to get comments so please, please leaves us comments. We will try and answer each and everyone of them. Check back daily because Chaps, the Mayor gives his weisenheimer wisdom every day. Click on Towne Crier to find it.

Have a great Friday night! Cat, Chaps and Emma!


Welcome basset lovers!

September 12th, 2006 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Dear Basset Hound friends. This is the first post on my website that I have been planning for the past six years. I cannot believe it it finally here. This is the only portion of the website that is up right now because we are still working on it. It will only be a very short time before you can come and visit our town. Since this is my first post, I am going to see if I did it correctly. Cat

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