Suncoast Basset Rescue picked as next Lily Book fund raiser!
Suncoast Basset Hound Rescue is holding it’s yearly Waddle this month on the 24th and 25th. From friends I have spoken with, it is an event not to be missed. It sounds like bassetpoloozia to me! is donating 5.00 dollars (25%) from the sale of every Lily book to Suncoast for the entire month. We will be updating all of our town members on a regular basis as updates come in from Foster Homes regarding the hounds that will be at the event.
I made a video tonight of Suncoast hounds.
They will be in the adoption tent on the 24th and 25th of Feb.
You can learn so much more from visiting their website, which is on my Links page. Go to FL and click on Suncoast! Ahhhhh, I can hear the ocean!