UPDATE Suncoast YouTube Video LQQK!!!!

February 3rd, 2007 - 11:11 am KY Time


PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE RATE MY VIDEO! 313 Folks have aready seen the Suncoast Sweetheart Waddle video and I only have 3 ratings??? That is just crazy!!! Please, rate this video as Awesome!!!

Believe me, it’s not my ego, it is for the Hounds. If you rate a video you are moved up in the YouTube hierarchy. The higher you go the better chance that your video will get more exposure. Do it for the hounds! Pass it along to everyone you know. The most insane stuff gets noticed on YouTube, lets get some hounds noticed! Thank you! Cat and the SunCoast Hounds!

P.S. If you have already seen it, hit it again and just rate it and leave a comment, don’t be SHY!


  1. February 3rd, 2007 | 3:47 pm

    You got it!!!!

  2. Ken Johnson
    February 4th, 2007 | 9:06 am

    Cathy ,
    I love the video , you do an awsome job. I tried to
    leave feed back on U TUBE but I don’t see it. Ken .

  3. Debbie
    February 13th, 2007 | 8:29 pm

    awsome video

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