Sigh – Drooler in need

March 12th, 2007 - 12:12 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound Lovers: I just this moment received this post from a fellow daily drooler. I had not read this on the drool so I am assuming that many of you did not either. Also, I know some of you have no idea what the drool even is. So please, if you can help here is the post. Also, if you are on any other boards and can post this, please do. Sigh


I wasn’t sure if y’all got this. Debbie is a long time drooler, who
recently wrote in saying that her house had burned down, killing all of
her pets, except for one. Sabrina has spoken with her to find out what if
anything can be done to help her. She didn’t ask for help, but did
indicate that clothing is what they are in most need of. Debbie wears an
XL in tops and 18-20 in pants. Her husband wears 34/40 pants and Large
shirts. I don’t know shoe sizes, but I’m sure we can find out if need be.
They did lose everything in the fire, so I’m sure anything you felt like
sending would be extremely helpful.

Just e-mail me via the contact page and I will help you. Cat
You can pass this along to anyone you think might be interested.


—– Forwarded by Beth Fuller/ALND/11/USCOURTS on 03/12/2007 10:53 AM

03/11/2007 10:48 PM


Daily Drooler needs help

One of the Daily Drool members who has been with the group for over ten
years, Deb Kozik (some of you remember her as Sneakers and Troopers Mom –
Debbie) recently suffered a tragedy. Her home burned downed, kill her
Basset Trooper, her doberman/beagle, and three cats. She and her husband
lost everything; they have only the clothes they were wearing. Here is her
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2007 01:35:34 -0600
From: “Deb Kozik ”
Subject: [Dailydrool] Its with a sad heart….
It is very hard for me to type this email. I know I have not been
actively posting since we lost Sneakers a few years back, but I have some
very sad and heartbreaking news. On February 4, 2007, My husband and I
were at a friends house to watch the superbowl. Upon returning home we
found our house had caught fire while we were gone. We quickly got out
of the car and asked the police officer if they were able to save any of
our animals. It is with a very very sad heart that I must say that we
lost 5 furbabies that day. Trooper, our 13 year old Basset Hound, Doby,
our 8 year old Doberman/Beagle mix, and 3 of our precious cats, Abby, K.C.
and Taz. The firemen were able to rescue Sammy, our chihuahua, and gave
him oxygen in the ambulance outside of the house, and took him to the
animal welfare until we could pick him up the following morning. We
lost everything. The house can be rebuilt, and material things can be
replaced, but nothing can take the place of the large hole in our heart
that losing five our our “furkids” has left. We do know they did not
suffer. They were all in a sleeping position with no burns on their
bodies, the firefighter told us that he believes that they succombed to
the carbon monoxide well before the flames and smoke got out of hand, and
the carbon monoxide made them tired and they just went to sleep, and never
knew what happened.
We found out the furnace flue was the cause of the fire. Due to the age
of our home, the wood inside the walls next to the flue got dry and over
the years it was so dry that it caught fire from the heat. The fire
spread fast, and the firefighters had said that if we were home, its a
possibility we would not have gotten out in time because of how quickly it
spread through the walls. Our entire house is a loss, it has to be
torn down to the foundation and rebuilt. We only had the clothes on
our backs, and Sammy, our beloved chihuahua. We were in an Extended stay
hotel for a week, and the insurance has put us in a rental condo until our
home can be torn down and rebuilt.
We had all of our furbabies cremated, a good friend of ours took care of
that expense for us, and we are in the process of getting all of life’s
basic necessities.
If you could please keep us in your thoughts and prayers, we would
appreciate it. I am not sure how often I will be able to get online and
get to emails, but I’ll still remain here, as I know that at some point,
when we are ready, we will be looking into basset rescue for another
basset hound who needs a good home.

I wrote and she asked what she needed most; she said clothes (but of
course there is lots more). She DID NOT ASK FOR HELP and DOESN’T KNOW that
I’m sending this e-mail message, but I know that we Droolers do help one
another in many ways. If you would like to help, I have the address and
sizes. Also, feel free to pass on this message. If not, please just
delete it.

The Secret

March 12th, 2007 - 9:09 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound Lovers: Have you heard about this? I am sure most of you have, it’s pretty hard to miss. Well, I was just sitting here answering Chaps and Emma’s fanny club mail and I got this e-mail. I am on their (the Secret) mailing list, but I wanted to pass it along for your review. Tell me what you think?

More Later…Cat, Chaps and Emma


the Secret Scrolls
Cat Rudert…

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne,
Executive Producer of The Secret.

The Bank of the Universe is now open!

It has unlimited abundance, available to you right now!

Actually it has never NOT been open,
but only a few throughout the history of mankind knew of the unlimited abundance that was theirs for the asking.

Click the image link at the bottom of this Scrolls to receive your blank check from the Bank of The Universe for you.

You must believe that you can receive it,
so take small steps with the amounts,
if that feels more believable to you.

Place the check in a prominent position
where you will see it every day!

Every time you look at the check,
that you have the money

The Universe inspires people, circumstances and events, to deliver the amount to you, but don’t ever be mistaken into believing it came from them.

It is always the Universe, who moves through people, circumstances and events, to deliver it to you.

If YOU don’t cancel your check, The Bank of the Universe must deliver the money to you!

Any thoughts, words, or actions of “lack”, or “not enough”… are the only things that cancel your check.

Here’s the great thing though… if you are thinking, acting or speaking words that could cancel your check, the Universe immediately sends you an alert! The alert is instantaneously transmitted direct to you, as bad feelings!!! The moment you receive the alert, change your thinking immediately!

By the way, it is not your job to work out HOW the Universe will bring it to you, so hands off telling the Universe what to do. Just ask, believe you have received it, and you WILL receive.

This wonderful process was inspired by a ‘million dollar’ true story account in the film, The Secret.

The story was told by one of the great master teachers
of The Secret, Jack Canfield.

The Magic Check from The Universe

The check is at this link.

Only 6 days left until the BHRA waddle!

March 12th, 2007 - 9:09 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound Lovers! The St. Paddy waddle near Birmingham is this Saturday. It is going to be so much fun. We so wish we could attend. Our circumstances (aka taxes) will not allow us this year. If you are the least little bit interested go to my links page and then click on Basset Hound Rescue of Alabama. They have a fantastic website that is updated with lightening speed. The webmaster, Martha Crow, does a great job. Click the green banner at the top and you will see all of the details. She has great directions as well. More Later…Cat, Chaps and Emma

Sunday afternoon walk, fun, fun, fun!

March 11th, 2007 - 4:04 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound Lovers: Today is Sunday and the first day that my Mom and I could take the kids for a walk since December. Boy, were they happy to get out. So was everyone else for that matter. We saw approximately 30 dogs hanging out of car windows and on the street with their families.


The town I live in also has just about as many places of worship. For a small town, it seems like alot. So here we are resting at one of them. It was really pretty, the bells started ringing just as we arrived.


Chaps got the strangest look on his face when he saw the statue of Mary.


He was just so sure she was going to give him a pet. Then Emma kept barking at her, like she was going to reach down and give her a treat!


Thank goodness, Mommy brought some!

We hope you had nice weekend. We sure did. More Later…Cat, Chaps and Emma

Best Friends – Roscoe and Rufus love their Daddy!

March 10th, 2007 - 8:08 pm KY Time

How sweet is this vid? These hounds live large in Cali. Their Dad is really well known on YouTube. He is also an excellent drummer. Rock on Ben!

Marilyn would be proud!

Saturday night fun night!

March 10th, 2007 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound Lovers: I have another movie for you. Are you ready? Grab your bike and hop on!

Wow, this is the way to waddle! I wonder if that guy could come over and ride Chaps and Emma around. He would need an extra large cart, but other than that, it would be fun!

Houston’s Hidden Hounds

March 9th, 2007 - 8:08 pm KY Time

This is so funny! Enjoy!

Battle of the Bulge

March 9th, 2007 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Cookie struggles to maintain her girlish figger! Her Mom is a famous YouTuber!

How much fun is Cookie? I love her so much!

And now for a little piano music!

March 9th, 2007 - 6:06 pm KY Time

Tom and Geri would like to entertain their fans this evening. Vanessa is their pianist.

Have your people, contact their people!

This hound keeps up with roller skating boy!

March 9th, 2007 - 6:06 pm KY Time

How much fun for a hound to have a roller skating boy to play with! Looks like they are brothers!

Have fun, Luca and Teddy!

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