JUST A PUP – A poem by Ken Johnson
Dear Ken, this poem is just so sweet. Thank you for sending it. You are very talented. I have this hanging in my office. I love it. Your friends, Cat, Chaps and Emma
Mr. Ken Johnson, Suncoast Basset Hound Rescue.
Buster and Lemon Drop Johnson, lucky hounds.
I was just a pup in need the result of puppy mill greed
All I wanted was to be loved and a family of my own
But I was sick and all alone No one to hold me no one to care
I lived in a cage my back all raw and loosing my hair.
The pet storeowner said I was worthless and should be
Put down I cost him too much to keep around.
Then when I was so hungry and weak, a kind lady
Began to speak, She said Rescue will take him
We will fix him all up and find a good home for this little pup
I took a ride in the lady’s car, I don’t know where but it sure
Was far. The lady called some one on her cell phone and I heard
It was a Suncoast foster home. Well then we pulled up to a house
With a big fenced yard with three kids and four Bassets on guard.
I knew right away that this was a place where I was wanted and
Would finally be safe. They fixed me all up I was no longer sick,
My hair grew back all shiny and thick. I have a full belly and a
Place to roam until I go to my forever home.
By Ken Johnson
I just love this poem. I printed it out too. How sweet. Reese
I love poems. Ken has inspired me to write one. Thanks for that. I love your website. A basset lover, Jason
Dear Cat. I love your blog. This posting just made my night. How sweet the poem. But what made it special, were the pictures. Thank you. Also, thank you Ken. Your hounds are very cute. Susan, bee-bee, jake, and rick
Hi Cat, this poem is so nice. We love stuff like this on your blog. Ken! Write more. Love Leslie and Ted
Ken, I love your poem. I saved a puppy mill basset. It was the exact same story. Her name is Hope. She saved my life. I just found her middle name. POEM. Her name is now, Hope Poem Sanders. Perfect. Love, Eddie
I must say something. I love the Devon story, but I like that you have put some new stuff on your blog. This poem is the bomb. Thanks Ken!
Checking in from the Netherlands. I fancy myself a poet. Nice to see the 2 mix. Bassets and poets. Now I will send one soon. Geoff and my hound, Gund
Do you know that another bassethoundtown is on the internet? They are in Italy. I like this one bettter. I am poet also. Antonio with some bassets.
This is so fun. The Netherlands and Italy? Bassets are so long they reach across the world. I just love it. I also love poems. Carlie and the pack. If you have bassets, you have to have a pack. 7 hounds, can’t wait to run tomorrow, together. Tally Ho!
Carlie, one of the pack
Very cool poem! I noticed there is alot more people coming to basset hound town ever since the american dream vote with Devon.
Dear Ken. I save hounds. I am not pickey. I love your poem. Mom of 10 hounds.
I love poems. My Man showed me your poem. How much fun is this site? Ken is the man. We will check back. Jack and Mandie
I want to be a part of this website. I want to share just like Ken. What a fun site. Becky. I have a hound named Bee, we are Bec and Bee.
I love this poem. Randy and my rescue Tom. I do not know what I would do without him. Thanks Ken.