A blog from Dawn of the West

June 19th, 2007 - 7:07 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound Lovers: I got this e-mail from Dawn of the West last night. How cool is the internet? Who would ever think a KY gal could help spread the word for a sick bobcat? You have to read this story. Dawn is so funny. Go to the Firstgiving Link.

(E-mail from Dawn of BaRNI at Daphneyland)

As most of you know, strange things happen in the country, and here at Daphneyland sometimes strange things happen more frequently than anywhere else.

Our most recent happening was a wild bobcat incident at our neighbors property.
Whereas this is not a specific “basset rescue” experience, it is something that happened and was necessary in order to keep the hounds safe.

Once you read the story – please forward it on to any of your friends that might be “bobcat friendly” type of folks, as the ending of this story has a call for help – and we here at Daphneyland feel a strong obligation to help the rescuer who helped us, in caring for the problem.

The tale involves Beauty Queens, peacocks, chickens, a bobcat now named “Donny” (I am very honored) and animal rescuers. Intrigued?? Please visit:




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