Basset Hound Town Global Headquarters
Howllo Fellow Hound Lovers: I hope you all are having a wonderful summer. I know we are. It seems like the yard work never ends. I bought my home and loved the small yard! Well my small yard is big yard work! Here is Chaps’ rounding the corner.
I think his dinner bell is ringing. Here is another shot of the backyard.
The Mayor likes to lay in the shade and listen to the birds sing. Oh, wait, here he comes now!
Emma, Emma, where are you?
Here she is, posing in the front yard! Looking pretty as usual.
Hope you enjoyed our home and garden tour! More Later…Cat, Chaps, and Emma
A blog from Dawn of the West
Howllo Fellow Hound Lovers: I got this e-mail from Dawn of the West last night. How cool is the internet? Who would ever think a KY gal could help spread the word for a sick bobcat? You have to read this story. Dawn is so funny. Go to the Firstgiving Link.
(E-mail from Dawn of BaRNI at Daphneyland)
As most of you know, strange things happen in the country, and here at Daphneyland sometimes strange things happen more frequently than anywhere else.
Our most recent happening was a wild bobcat incident at our neighbors property.
Whereas this is not a specific “basset rescue” experience, it is something that happened and was necessary in order to keep the hounds safe.
Once you read the story – please forward it on to any of your friends that might be “bobcat friendly” type of folks, as the ending of this story has a call for help – and we here at Daphneyland feel a strong obligation to help the rescuer who helped us, in caring for the problem.
The tale involves Beauty Queens, peacocks, chickens, a bobcat now named “Donny” (I am very honored) and animal rescuers. Intrigued?? Please visit:
List of approved rescues for Lily’s Basset Bucks!
Howllo Fellow Hound Lovers: The rescues are slinging slobber and signing up. I will figure out a better way to keep this near the top of Lily’s Basset Bucks Blog. Here is the list! Send your dollar today to help these wonderful rescues! More Later…Cat, Chaps and Emma
Golden Gate Basset Hound Rescue
North Texas Basset Hound Rescue, Inc.
Golden Empire Basset Rescue (checking for website coming soon)
Suncoast wins 5 Free Lily Books as first approved rescue for Lily’s Basset Bucks!
Howllo Fellow Hound Lovers: Suncoast Basset Hound Rescue volunteer Ken Johnson howls in first to place this Florida rescue on the list for Lily’s basset bucks. Ken, I will send the books to you so you can donate them to your rescue! I have heard from other rescues that at an auction they can go well above their 20.00 retail value! I know I would pay at least 21.00 dollars! tehehehehehehe!
More Later…Cat, Chaps, Emma and the interloper Enzo.
Devon reports the results of her Yard Sale!
Hi Everyone!
I wanted to give y’all an update on the Yard Sale we had Saturday. We made $1050.00!!!!!! 50% ($525) will go to the everyday needs of Barni and 50% will go to the Senior Center!
Hey can you speak up? Did you say $1050? Did I hear ya right?
Thank you to my mom and dad who came in from Phoenix to specifically help with this fundraiser/yard sale! Also, thanks to The Queenen’s (Shirley, Satina, Jeanne, Danny & Jordyn – sorry if I spelled any names wrong!) for helping out, bringing donations and buying lots of stuff!! hahaha
Great job folks!
Rules for Lily’s Basset Bucks
Howllo Fellow Hound Lovers: For every contest, there must be rules! Lily’s are simple. You must be an approved 501 c 3, not for profit organization with a primary focus on basset hound rescue. By primary I mean, this is why you applied for a tax exempt status. So, send me an e-mail via the contact page to join the list of basset hound rescues that will be involved in this event. I will be announcing a deadline soon, so don’t delay. Sign your basset hound rescue up today!
Lily says, “Send me a buck today!”
More Later…Cat, Chaps, Emma and Enzo – the interloper.
I have three blog categories
Howllo Fellow Hound Lovers: Please note. I have three blog categories. Look to the right under categories. There is, Main Residential Blog, which is everything. There is Lily’s Basset Bucks which is my foundation and there is Devon’s Dream which is everything Devon. So please check out all of my blogs. I have alot to say! Hey, Hey!
More Later….Cat, Chaps and Emma
Attention! First Rescue to sign up for Lily bucks gets 5 Lily books!
Howllo Fellow Hound Lovers: The first approved, non profit basset rescue to sign up for Lily bucks will get 5 free Lily books! Who is reading this blog? This is a real treat! All you have to do is send me an e-mail. Go to the contact page.
More Later…Cat, Chaps and Emma
We have company in bassethoundtown!
Howllo Fellow Hound Lovers: This is Enzo Lee.
He is Julian’s (my nephew) pug. Enzo is staying with us until Thursday. This is just enough time for Emma to teach him how to howl. He only does it at my home, not his. I will try to get it on video. It really is funny, but not to Chaps. Normally, the benevolent hound, he will be glad when Thursday rolls around! More Later with late breaking howling lessons. Cat, Chaps, Emma, and Enzo