Ralph’s fulll “gottcha” story!
Howllo Fellow Hound and Ralph Lovers: This just in from Dawn of the West. It is the full story of Ralph’s new forever family. On a personal note to Dawn!
Here is a very cute story from Dawni!
As our Basset family et al were so wonderful and supportive of Ralphie the poor emaciated basset mix pup that came into BaRNI via private plane, I wanted to update everyone on Ralphies progress.
As I think everyone knows, he was emaciated having been abandoned in a field in Sacramento.
Wonderful rescue volunteers (The Alsups) flew up in their plane and brought him back down to Daphneyland for rehab. This was in June.
Over the course of the last month or so, Ralphie had bloodwork and went on antibiotics – tested heartworm free and began the road to weight gain and getting over his shyness. He made huge strides in these areas.
Our special pack the pounds on puppyness blend and shot series had him well started on his road to healing. Monitoring weight, finally Ralphie was ready for his neuter – but alas – only on testicle had dropped. It was nail biting time for all of us last Friday as Ralphie went in for the neuter and the invasive “find the missing testicle”. Thankfully – and a bit red faced we were when our vet called up to let us know neuter was perfect and easy – Ralph had -2- – he just was not very well endowed…..
Ralphie as he put on weight, also was sprouting up and we all enjoyed playing guess the mix on this pup. Guesses ranged from Coonhound basset mix to great Dane basset mix and everything in between.
Ralphie learned how to fetch. He will fetch young saplings trees right out of the ground and bring them to you, he will fetch water bowls, chairs, basically anything not nailed down that weighs in under 50 pounds – Ah the joy of puppyhood. Ralphie is an expert ear chewer to boot. Talk about counter cruising, he put a new height equation on counter cruising. (Despite all of what may sound like devilry – Ralphie is the most gentle puppy one could ever encounter, and the biggest love of a hound known to wranglers.)
Saturday – July 14th was a big day for Ralphie.
A Daphneyland alumni; Travis was staying at Daphneyland while his folks were in Tahoe, and they came back and decided Travis needed a friend. Not wanting a puppy, and not wanting a teething puppy and of course opting for a hound that doesn’t jump on one, they chose Ralphie. A perfect match – Ralphie is ALL PUPPY, Ralphie will be teething for the next year on all furniture and landscaping and no, Ralphie does not jump up at crotch level – when he jumps on you his paws reach your shoulders, rather like getting hugged by a giant drooling bear. The Peppo Family will have many MANY happy times and Ralphie has a new family, and a new brother whom he loves. The irony of all of this is even more interesting.
As it turns out, Ralphies new family has a tie to Daphneyland – a longer tie than anyone.
Ralphies new Uncle actually BUILT the structures at Daphneyland. How weird is that??
We still get his junk mail.
Ralphie will be a regular visitor here, and will be attending the Basset Hound Picnic in October – I can’t WAIT to see what costuming on these 2 will be… Jolly green giant and lil pea, Laurel and Hardy, Sampson and Goliath….. stay tuned!!!
Thank you one and all for donating to Ralphie – for assisting us in being able to save his life, and to the many volunteers who spent long hours with him, loving him and nurturing him – and to the Peppo Family for loving Ralphie and giving him a Name – Ralphie Peppo. Now that’s a great story.
Bellyrubs to all……
Dawn of the West
Basset Rescue Network at
Thanks Dawn and we will be looking for pictures real soon. If you want to read Ralph’s entire story go to the search box at the top of this blog and type in Ralph.
More Later…Cat, Chaps and Emma