YouTube transport video
Ozark Mountain Basset Hound Rescue saved 24 mill basset hounds recently. This is a video how transport coordinator, Tanya Kittrell, arranged a massive effort to get 5 of these hounds to two different basset hound rescues, (Mid-Atlantic and New England Basset Hound Rescue) . It involved 22 legs and took place this weekend (8/17-19/07). This video does not include the 19th. I hope to do part two. I have one hope for this video. Please help shut down puppy mills. These poor dogs are so abused. When you get a dog, know where it comes from. Please do not shop at a pet store. Sweet hounds like this suffer. Also, look at the work it takes for many people to rescue and save the dogs who are lucky. Thank you for reading this from, the 24 puppy mill hounds who do not want others to live in hell. Slurp!
More Later…Cat, Chaps and Emma
Great job everyone!!! Thanks for helping the hounds…
Cat, You are the best, I just love it. Hugs Ken
Thanks for that video Cat! I was crying through the whole thing…just thinking, how can people be so cruel to those sweet blessed bassets!!! Thank you to all the rescues out there, that are saving these precious babies! Oh, I wish I could win the lottery!!!
Big hugs,
Wow! It’s so awesome to see so many people coming together to help these sweet hounds. You are all the best!!! Great video! I cried through the whole thing too.
Those sweet faces are permanently etched on my heart.
Cat, this is totally awesome!!! Thank you so much for helping to keep these wonderful hounds story out there… Maybe with enough interest we can one of these days, put an end to puppy milling.
Oh Sherry, you are so wise. That is the goal and I hope and pray for it. Every light we can shine will help. You are so huge in that process. I thank you for that so much. (((((((((((((((((((Sherry))))))))))))))))))))) Slurp, Cat, Chaps and Emma
Dear Cat, You are truly an inspiration. The talent and vision you hold within your heart is so uplifting. May all basset hounds benefit from your gifts. The education you provide to help these wonderful souls is priceless.
With love,