Billions spent on love in 2006!

September 19th, 2007 - 7:07 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and loving them at any cost lovers: USA TODAY reports that so far in 2006 $38.5 Billion dollars has been spent on our pets. The breakdown is as follows:

15.4 Billion on Food (Seems low, the bassets want a re-count)
9.3 Billion on Supplies/medicine (Are the HOP totals in this?)
9.2 Billion on Vet Care (That’s all?, They must not have gotten BaRNI in this figure!)
2.7 Billion Grooming and Boarding (Chaps and Emma did not add to that number!)
1.9 Billion Live animal purchases (The cost of love compaired to the cost of food? Food for thought!)


More Later….Cat, Chaps and Emma

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