Update – We are now returned to our Daily Drool! Slurp!
The Drool is back up and running! Sling away! More Later…Cat, Chaps and Emma
Howllo Fellow Hound and daily drool lovers:
Fey Fey the Forever Queen
BREAKING NEWS…………………………………………………………………………………
This just in from Bob the DOg.
I am forwarding this email to get the news out, from Bob the DOg
The DD servers are down and we are waiting for Alex & Melissa to fix them. It may be a little while b/c Alex was rushed to the ER last night and Melissa had to take their Houndie to the ER this morning.
So the only way to reach a large group of people is to pass this info on as some DD slaves need some drool for their Houndies.
Melissa & Alex Jokela ( mjokela@camulus.org ) for Sarge who is in the ER
Ilene Sagen ( isagen1@netzero.net ) who’s Otis in in the hospital in an oxygen cage. He was having a hard time breathing and has been back and forth to the Vet for days. It started as kennel cough and they are trying to prevent pneumonia was setting in. He is a VERY sick Houndie.
Ellie Foth ( slave2thepaw@yahoo.com ) who’s Scooby is having surgery today, looking for a tumor that is causing his low blood sugar.
PW Bob the DOg
Inspector OEBE
Chick Magnut
OK folks, sorry that when you click to e-mail, my format comes up. Just delete my stuff and add your own. I will update this blog as necessary with any late breaking news. Sling some Drool for the Drool
More Later…Cat, Chaps and Emma