Chaps has his apples ready for the teachers!
Howllo Fellow Hound and Apple lovers: Chaps and I are on our way to read the Lily book to some pre-school students. We are visiting a wonderful pre-school called the Wise Owl, right here in our home town. We will visit 3 classes each with 20 students.
The first thing we do is talk about dog safety for a few minutes. Chaps is a great teacher and loves to demonstrate how to lay very still!
Do you live near Cincinnati or know someone who does? If so we would love to visit other schools. This is my School Visits Page
You can forward this blog to anyone you think might be interested.
Well, we better go get ready. I have to run to the store and buy some apples for Chaps to give to the teachers. He really wants to be the teacher’s pet!
Chaps after his bath yesterday, wondering if he can cut the lunch line!
More Later…Cat, Chaps and Emma
Hi Cat,
How did your reading go to all the children? I bet all the kids were in a frenzy!!!! I am sure you are the most popular event of the year! When are you going to make a “Southern sweep” and head down to Hotlanta. Georgia children need hound dog lovin’ too!!