Devon’s Dream Update
Howllo Fellow Hound and Devon’s Dream Lovers:
10/16/07 – 7:42 EST
Devon L. Smith, of Devon’s Dream, is no longer affiliated with her
beloved-ed Dream Project of a Sr. Center – Sanctuary for BaRNI at Daphneyland. Devon has resigned from the BaRNI board. Her vision has taken a new direction and she will be starting her own 501(c)3 and eventual Foundation for the aide of Sr. Basset Hounds in the USA.
The Dream of a Sr. Center at BaRNI has been on BaRNI’s wish list since the formation of the BaRNI Rescue on December 21, 2005. Their Dream became a reality when Devon was selected by BaRNI to front the project as their spokesperson. She worked tirelessly towards BaRNI’s Dream and was instrumental for the near 20,000 raised to date.
Thank you Devon for all of your hard work. We will be updating with all of your future endevors. Please stay posted folks! Devon and I will be working together on many projects!
More LaterCat, Chaps and Emma
Please keep us posted on Devon. She was the reason we give. Will she be on your website? It is rare to see someone like her. That show she was on was so sad. How do we buy a necklace now? Keep us posted!
We were lurkers on this site until now. We love our Sr. Bette!
I hope you read these comments and let us know what is going on. I hate when people like you beat around the bush!
For the love of Dogs. How stupid are you? They fell out, obviously! Here is my opinion, Devon raised all the money and BaRNI sucked it out of her. It happens every day in rescue. I will not say more!
This is the best news I heard all day! I did not give a dime to BaRNI, but I will to you! I cannot believe how long it too you! [:}
I have no idea what happened, bu†Barni is the best. I love them so much. I also loved the idea of a sr center, but please know that these girls love basset hound. I am sure it will happen.
Hi there! This is Kerri from BaRNI! I can assure you that we all work very hard for the hounds and the dream of a senior center was one that Dawn of the West has had for a very long time. Devon worked very hard and was a wonderful spokesperson! We wish her luck in all of her future endeavors and know she will be a success in whatever cause it is she chooses to put her time and effort into. The dream of a senior center lives on!
I love barni. I want the best for them. Can you tell me how to find the Sr. Center page? I want to help. BL
Hi there BL!
The Firstgiving Page will be back up shortly! Hang tight! xoxo
I cannot understand what is happening? I hope that you let us know. I had so much fun logging into Devon’s FG page. I am really mad at your website. I used to love you, but now I am mad,
Thanks Kerri: You love BaRNI. I am also a lover. Thank you.
I am so upset.
Hey everyone – not to worry! There are some technical issues with the FirstGiving page and you will be able to log back into it shortly! 🙂 Thanks for your support!!
All these old houndies are so lucky to have so many food slaves that care. “Crying” is for hound dogs, so buy Kerry’s Biscuits and enjoy the drool that flows instead! Keep giving to the senior center: this dream MUST come true! And also throw in some biscuits for the old geezers like Stretch, the black and white above that is trying his best to enjoy his last days as he copes with congestive heart failure. And don’t forget Hamilton the debarked sentry, Henry the grump who isolates in the bathroom, Katy with Addisons, and all the other houndies too many to mention.
I don’t know what is going on. I don’t care. Lets not let anything take our attention away from helping the hounds. That is all that matters. Helping the hounds!!!!
Kip and Gus
I have deleted some comments that were totally out of line for BHT! This is a topic that is near and dear to many and I knew it would get lots of attention. As things progress regarding this action, I will update folks. No need to pretend it did not happen. So far, this is all the information that I have. Kip, I agree with you but I think there is more to it than that. Cat
Sorry folks, just thoughtful comments from here on out! Thanks.
Thanks for the update Cat. Love you site. Dogs are in Danger (just read your previous post) and now this. I am so sorry Devon. Good Luck with all you do. We live in London. I am sure Cat will keep us posted.
Turning off comments for now. Will be back in a few hours. You can keep leaving them if you want. Just thoughtful ones however. Thank everyone. Don’t forget, It’s Chaps’ Birthday! slurp. Oh, I deleted some of the words of other comments. Sorry to you folks, but BHT has kids on it.
Why don’t you all find out the facts before you start bad mouthing people………do you do the work that is involved in Rescue, I think not………
I am an old lady that loves this site. I had fun following the dream. I also e-mail Cat as a friend. First, I must say, I love Cat for what she has done to help old dogs. Second, if you are as old as me,(84) you know that message boards are volatile. I spend a fair amount of time on them. May I respond to C.S.? (and Cat, if you do not want to post this that is OK)
Facts are what I want. I gave money to the Sr. Center for dogs because I live in one for humans. I can tell you people it is expensive. So, I guess I agree with C.S. What are the facts? I hope this is “thoughful” enought to post/ Ruth
Cat and Basset Hound Town, we support you and Devon 110%! If it weren’t for people like you ‘rescue’ wouldn’t even be a word in our Basset World. Thank you for ALL YOU DO to help our hounds and people that REALLY DO CARE! Negative comments don’t come from people that have a heart for hounds are dogs. If so, then we would all be thinking positive and sending best wishes to look forward and press on. God Bless you all.
Oh Ruth and Audra. Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I really love them. Both of your comments are welcome and thoughtful. You are both very sweet. Love, Cat,
OK, now I am sad. I am so glad, however, that you are posting this. It seems really fair. I trust you Cat,
Happy birthday Chaps! My Sr. Hounds love you all
P.S. I call my 18 year old, sweet summer breeze! He is totally grey
Hi folks, as you can tell, if you are reading this, I am posting some of the more sweet comments. If you are leaving hateful comments be aware! I moderate all comments. So, no haters! More Later…Cat, Chaps and Emma
You are doing a good job on this. Thanks. I will be checking back.
Support the Hounds! I cannot say what I want? OK, I love the old hounds. I love your site. I cannot get over what a service you have done. For old dogs. I have started a blog and I link to you. Thanks for the traffic. Justin.
Cat and Bassethoundtown is a class act all the way. So very many hounds have been helped because of the work this lovely lady does and I thank her with all my heart.
Kip and Gus
Oh boy
Will you update your blog when the First Giving Link is back up?
Yes, of course I will. Cat
I live in Japan. I am British. This dream was so much fun to follow. Your website was the only way I could keep current. I was glad to see “Message for Cat”. I just want to add. Cat, you do such a good job with your website. Even though I live in Japan, I am from England, I feel like basset hound town is my home. Thank you. Angie
Hi folks, if you are leaving comments and do not see yours, it is because I have this blog posting on moderate. I dip in and post the ones that are thoughtful. Some of you might not agree with the ones that I post or not post. Please feel free to re-post or e-mail me. I just try to keep the postings thoughtful. Some of the e-mails I receive are regarding Devon and wishing her well. I understand why most people do not want to post for the world to see. So, I must say to Devon. Many wish you well and wonder what your next endevor is. I want to make it clear. Devon resigned from BaRNI’s board, she was not asked to leave. My website will update everyone on Devon’s next endevor and BaRNI news! More Later… Cat, Chaps and Emma
I kind of get what is happening. I am willing to wait and see. I also want to tell Cat that we love her. We know we will be not be bashed for our opinion. We love BaRNI. This floors us.
Of course, we never bash anyone. We cannot wait to hear from BaRNI! We love you Leslie an Ted.
Hi everyone – For those of you who are still interested in following the senior center dream, please visit the BaRNI Blog at
We have been checking the new BaRNI blog to see what’s up? There is nothing. delete
Cat, what you do is top notch. We cannot wait to see what Devon is up to. We support her.
R/B and the DC hounds.
Hey, you know we love ya…………..
Cat, does Devon have a website? If so, can you let us know. We want to keep up with her. Thanks
The TN bunch!
Dear Message for Cat. You can access the new first giving link via the new BaRNI blog. The link provided by Kerri is right above, but it does not seem to be working. I don’t know what is wrong with it. I am sure, BaRNI also will have that link on their website. Cat
This is probably worth leaving a comment on. To those of you that leave comments, your e-mails are protected and NEVER used for anything. I do have a “Fanny Club” but you have to sign up for it. You can feel totally safe in Bassethoundtown! My hosting company is the best. I was just checking my account and they have caught close to 3000 spams trying to be left on my site in the past year!
The reason I am leaving this comment on this posting is because it has received the most comments. I will be leaving it from time to time on other postings as well. Have a great nite! Slurp, Cat, Chaps and Emma
Here is the first giving page for the Sr. Center if you want it?
Thanks Jason!