Basset Hound Club of America – News

January 21st, 2008 - 12:12 pm KY Time

Howllow Fellow Hound and BHCA lovers:

I was just reading the January/February issue of the Tally-Ho. From now on, all issues are going to be in color which will be great because the Tally-Ho has fantastic pictures of basset hounds from some of the top breeders in the world.

I have been a member since I rescued Natalie from the pound in 1994. Anything basset hound and I am all over it. At that time the publication, well….was not very good. So, after awhile I let my membership lapse. Then, I wanted to re-join and have been a member ever since.

I found the following motion very interesting. I was very pleased that the board has decided to donate to these grants that will better our beloved-ed breed. So many of us have hounds or have had hounds who have suffered through these types of medical issues. Anything to better our breed’s health is well worth the money spent!

Motion #07-08
I move, “That the BHCA partially support the following grant requests out of the AKC/CHF Basset Hound Donor Advised Fund”:

Pending Grant No. 747: The Mapping and Characterization of Mutations Responsible for Canine Glaucoma
Principal Investigator(s): Elizabeth Giuliano, DVM, MS, DACVO, University of Missouri, Columbia
Sponsor(s): No Sponsors
Grant Amount: $82,080.00 (half paid by AKC/CHF)
Start Date: 10/1/2007 Duration (in yrs): 2
BHCA Amount: $20,000 (BH breed specific)

Pending Grant No. 919: Molecular Genetic Characterization of Canine Cystinuria for the Development of Carrier Tests
Principal Investigator(s): Paula S. Henthorn, PhD, University of Pennsylvania
Sponsor(s): No Sponsors
Grant Amount: $48,924.00 (half paid by AKC/CHF)
Anticipated Start Date: 1/1/2008 Duration (in yrs): 1
BHCA Amount: $2,000 (BH breed specific)

Pending Grant No. 1028-A: Genetics of Gastric Dilatation Volvulus in the Great Dane
Principal Investigator(s): Mathew Pletcher, Florida Atlantic University
Sponsor(s): No Sponsors
Grant Amount: $10,800.00 (half paid by AKC/CHF)
Start Date: 9/1/2007 Duration (in yrs): 1
BHCA Amount Required: $1,000 (generally applicable to BH breed)
Motion: Brian Pechtold
Second: Gene McDonald
Voting Yes: (9) Brandt, Engle, Ferguson, Kintner, Lane, McDonald, Pechtold, Rush, Williams
Voting No:
Vote not received: Opeka,
Motion passed and is resolved

I think it is great that our club will be apart of researching these very important heath issues. I will keep everyone updated.

A healthy hound makes for a happy family.

More Later…Cat, Chaps and Emma

and thought that this was very interesting!

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