Emma wakes up 3-25-07

February 26th, 2008 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Emma pawing in trying to help others in need.

Emma slept through the night with me. I had Chaps in the office bed with the door closed. He was all set up and this is where the dog door is. I also have a front area for potty breaks which is where Emma is used to going since she was a pup.

Chaps hated being in the back, but he got over it.

It is a huge help if you can keep your hounds separated. I do not have human kids, but it might be helpful to plan this. If you think it will work, have your kids sleep with the hound that is separated.

I suggest you sleep with the hound that had the surgical procedure. This night is so important. If you have a blow up mattress have it already set up next to the dog bed. If not, sleep on the couch near the dog bed.

You will want to put a bell on the hound to alert you of movement. Chances are, the hound will not move due to the anesthetics.

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