Emma had her 2 week prosthetic eye follow-up today from a strange spot I saw on it.

April 7th, 2008 - 5:05 pm KY Time

Hi Friends:

Today was Emma’s 2 week follow-up appointment for what I thought was an odd looking spot on her prosthetic eye. Her doctor agreed with me, that her eye looked better but he put her on an additional eye drop medication. We are to report back in 6 weeks. This was another 100.00 dollar visit. The visit 2 weeks ago cost about the same. Prosthetic eyes are very expensive and I want my readers to have the full benefit of what the long term costs can be. Emma was prescribed an additional eye drop today called, Prednisolone Acetate Ophthalmic Suspension USP. She is to remain on the other two ointments she is on as well. That means that I am giving Emma eye drops and ointments 4 times per day. I would think that most people who work away from home would find that difficult. I have said it before, and I will say it again. Prosthetic eyes are just not worth it. Emma has one, and I am not going to have it removed….yet, but how much can a wallet take? She is blind!


More seeing with your heart and nose soon…..Love Emma, Cat, and Chaps


  1. Theresa Alsup
    April 8th, 2008 | 7:04 pm

    Thank you for sharing your experience. As tough as this has been, some good is coming from it. This is good information, and basset owners need to know it.

  2. Chris
    April 8th, 2008 | 7:31 pm

    Smooches to all of you. I hope that all the drops help and that you can either cut back on them or stop very soon!

    It’s so wonderful that you share your experiences with us. While I hope to never go through it (and wish that no one ever did) it’s nice to have knowledge to deal with it.


  3. kipandgus
    April 10th, 2008 | 8:14 pm

    All I can say is bless you sweet Emma and we love you Cat.
    Kip, Gus and Bonnie

  4. Cathy
    April 11th, 2008 | 9:48 am

    I too have a Basset Hound age 12 1/2 who had both eyes removed due to glaucoma. Each was removed about 2 years apart. Fred adjusted quite well. We built a handicap ramp for him to go outside,Stairs were a little scary .He goes to my next store neighbors by himself every day for a little visit. We live on a dead end street ,last house on the block ,nearly no car action and everyone knows to be on the look out for Fred.He knows were just about everything in the house is ,Especially the kitchen .Fred just had surgery 2 months ago to remove his spleen and a benign mass attached to it.He also is on medicine for seizures, has arthritis(medicine for that, also), and has beaten cancer in his hip.
    He is the happy boy, as we call him and the vet says he is a walking miracle.We love our little man very much and hope to have more good years with him.

  5. NIN
    June 7th, 2008 | 2:25 pm

    The universe sure sent Emma to the right place. i don’t know what she would do without you! Your site is a great source of information.
    Love and hugs,

  6. Stephanie
    August 16th, 2008 | 9:10 pm

    Totally feel your pain with the prosthetic eyes. My Bailey got glaucoma in her right eye February of this year. A prosthetic was put in to make her look natural becuase it could be years before we saw any problems in the left eye. She went through a regimen of drops, gels, pain pills every 3-4 hours. We had exactly three weeks before the left eye was affected also. They did laser surgery on that eye to try to save her vision. It has been a month, and the surgery has now offically failed. We are going forward with eye removal of the left eye in a few days. This is the only alternative to relieve her pain. My pain has just started. I am now $4500 poorer. I struggle with money daily so I don’t know how anybody else makes the decision of when to say it is enough.

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