Emmers is going for a joy ride!
Howllo Fellow Hound and Joy Ride Lovers: When I get done with work today I am going to take Emmers and Chappers on a joy ride! I know this will perk up our girl! Anytime we get in the BHV (basset hauling vehicle) and do not go to the vet, it is a Joy Ride! I think a few new toys are in order. My friend Debbie suggested a toy with more texture to engage Emma’s sense of touch. I love that idea!
Melynda had some good ideas as well. She will absolutely love visiting with people at the toy store. I do need to keep her more active.
Emma, grab your spring bonnet! Mommy will be home soon. Shopping always perks a gal up! Slurp!
More Later..Cat, Chaps and Emmers
Cat , that is a great Idea, Lemon Drop and buster just love to go for joy rides. I take them for a ride after supper all the time and they look forward to them. All the good smells coming in the window
is a treat for them. Sometimes we go through the drive thru at McDonalds and they get a plain hamburger. That always starts a singfest and the drive thru people get a big kick out of that.
We are all going to Ocala Fl Saturday to a Suncoast
Volunteer get together and a Meet and greet for Adopters. That will be a lot of fun and if you have ever seen fifty or sixty Hounds doing the Basset five hundred you have not lived. Hugs Ken
Have a great Joy Ride! Mine are envious, as this is a favorite activity. And a new toy and pets at the store will be the icing on the cake.
I’d say end the day with a Frosty Paw, but I don’t know if she’s allergic to them.
Poor baby doesn’t deserve any of this. Nor do you!
Waiting to hear how the ‘joy ride’ went…..Did Emma enjoy her ears blowing in the wind? We hope it was uplifting for all of you. Love you~ Audra
WOOHOO!!!!!!!!! Coco and Charlie LOVE joyrides too! It’s so funny to watch their ears flap in the wind and passers by get a real laugh out of it! 😉 Sometimes we go through the Starbucks drive-thru and Charlie starts singing everytime she sees someone new. Sometimes they even have cookies! It’s hysterical! Can’t wait to see how they enjoyed the ride!