Emmers is going for a joy ride!

May 7th, 2008 - 9:09 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Joy Ride Lovers: When I get done with work today I am going to take Emmers and Chappers on a joy ride! I know this will perk up our girl! Anytime we get in the BHV (basset hauling vehicle) and do not go to the vet, it is a Joy Ride! I think a few new toys are in order. My friend Debbie suggested a toy with more texture to engage Emma’s sense of touch. I love that idea!

Melynda had some good ideas as well. She will absolutely love visiting with people at the toy store. I do need to keep her more active.

Emma, grab your Emma_s_4th_B_Day.jpgspring bonnet! Mommy will be home soon. Shopping always perks a gal up! Slurp!

More Later..Cat, Chaps and Emmers


  1. ken
    May 7th, 2008 | 1:58 pm

    Cat , that is a great Idea, Lemon Drop and buster just love to go for joy rides. I take them for a ride after supper all the time and they look forward to them. All the good smells coming in the window
    is a treat for them. Sometimes we go through the drive thru at McDonalds and they get a plain hamburger. That always starts a singfest and the drive thru people get a big kick out of that.
    We are all going to Ocala Fl Saturday to a Suncoast
    Volunteer get together and a Meet and greet for Adopters. That will be a lot of fun and if you have ever seen fifty or sixty Hounds doing the Basset five hundred you have not lived. Hugs Ken

  2. Chris
    May 7th, 2008 | 4:17 pm

    Have a great Joy Ride! Mine are envious, as this is a favorite activity. And a new toy and pets at the store will be the icing on the cake.

    I’d say end the day with a Frosty Paw, but I don’t know if she’s allergic to them.

    Poor baby doesn’t deserve any of this. Nor do you!


  3. Audra
    May 7th, 2008 | 11:41 pm

    Waiting to hear how the ‘joy ride’ went…..Did Emma enjoy her ears blowing in the wind? We hope it was uplifting for all of you. Love you~ Audra

  4. Devon Leigh Smith
    May 8th, 2008 | 10:30 am

    WOOHOO!!!!!!!!! Coco and Charlie LOVE joyrides too! It’s so funny to watch their ears flap in the wind and passers by get a real laugh out of it! 😉 Sometimes we go through the Starbucks drive-thru and Charlie starts singing everytime she sees someone new. Sometimes they even have cookies! It’s hysterical! Can’t wait to see how they enjoyed the ride!

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