Do you subscribe to the HOP newsletter?
Howllo Fellow Hound and HOP newsletter lovers: OMG, if you do not subscribe to the House of Puddles news letter you are missing out on huge fun. Marilyn, does a fantastic job and you can see pictures of the HoPpers. You can also learn who the new HopPers are and other fun facts. Here is a link to her current newsletter that I just received moments ago. You can subscribe via this link as well.
Laughing Out Loud @ House Of Puddles
News, Events, or JBL (Just Basset Laughs)
More laughing later….Cat, Chaps and Emma
Wow, you are really on the ball this morning, Cat. Thanks!
The HOP newsletter is so much fun. Marilyn does a fabulous job with it.
Kip, Gus and Bonnie
Aren’t they fun?? I love them!!
I think this is the best newsletter on the internet! I love it! Thanks Marilyn!