Memories! 2 of 2

May 16th, 2008 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Memory lovers:

I was just cleaning out my IPhoto and ran across this all time favorite. It was when Emma could still see us. IMG_0577.JPG

My Mom and I always said how dreamy she looked in this picture. My Mom has it in a small frame in her kitchen. I gave the framed picture to her right after this photo was taken.

We call it, DREAMY EMMA! She looks so happy. I miss her looking into my eyes. It’s a LOVE thing.

More later…Cat, Chaps and Emma

BMX and a basset hound – I try to be hip!

May 16th, 2008 - 11:11 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and BMX lovers. I have to say I do not know much about that topic, but this hound named Scoob sure looks like he is having fun!

Very cool videography as well.

More of us finding hip videos later…Cat, Chaps and Emma

Meet Sandy – May’s Featured Hound – AZBR!

May 16th, 2008 - 9:09 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Sandy lovers: I was wondering around the different streets in our town and ran across this beautiful girl.


She is currently in foster care under the wing of
Arizona Basset Hound Rescue.

Click their link and read all about her. She even has a FirstGiving page!

Have a great weekend Sandy and hopefully some one will read this blog and help you get a forever home. You keep us posted, OK? Of course we will be checking back. Love you…..

More Later….Cat, Chaps and Emma

Kelly’s Florida Gold! Who knew?

May 14th, 2008 - 5:05 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Florida Gold Lovers! I am so touched at how many of you are sending in gold for the House of Puddles! With gas being almost as expensive as gold it is hard for us to donate to our favorite charities. Not so for Kelly, Oreo and Snoopy!

Oreo – “Best as anyone can tell I am a boarder collie mix of some sort! My Mama rescued me from a shelter in north Florida 6 years ago”.

Snoopy – “Mama saved me from a man that was gonna send me back to the pound he adopted me from cause he said I was naughty…who me? Mama is pretty sure I am a Bagle (beagle/basset hound mix) cause I am too big to be a beagle and my ears aren’t long enough to be a basset!”
Look at this lovely grouping of gold! One piece in the grouping I found very nice, but more about that later.


I hustled right off to my jewelery store to see what the pieces were worth. The jeweler tested the gold and viewed it through a loop and there were 10K and 14K pieces. There was also a beautiful black hills 10K gold ring with a blue topaz stone. Well, I could not take my eyes off that piece.


The gold was worth 58.70! Wow, how bassetabulous is that? Pretty cool!

So, moving on to the ring! My jeweler and I researched it and determined that if the ring were new it could run as high as 100.00 or more. So, like I have done with previous rings I decided to put this ring in the
HOP boutique on my website, for 50.00 which all of the other rings are going for. (I still need to load 3 outstanding rings)

The scrap value of this ring would have been 28.50 for the 10K gold portion, the jeweler did not want the topaz. No way was I going to scrap this pretty little number!

When I got home, my Mom and Dad were looking at the flowers outside our home and I was telling them about the donation. They saw I was wearing the ring and asked me all kinds of questions.


Guess who got her birthday gift early? Me, me, me, me! My Mom and Dad bought the ring for 50.00, for my birthday, exactly one month early! My Mom and Dad were totally jazzed that 100% of their 50.00 is going to the HOP and I am just over the moon. Look how it matches my HOP support bracelet!!! Don’t look at how bad my hand needs lotion!

Kelly, it is so strange how the world works. You donated the ring to support the HOP thinking it would be scrapped, and now it is a treasured gift from my Mom and Dad that I will alway love. Every time I look at it I will think of the elders at the HOP! How wonderful is that?

This will be recorded on the FirstGiving page as an offline donation so I can add a bit more detail to the description. I will send Marilyn a check for 110.00 on 5-15-08.

I love a black hills gold, blue topaz, happy ending. I also love Florida Gold!

More Later…Cat, Chaps and Emma

P.S. There was also a little charm with 3 tiny diamonds that I did not scrap. That will be in the HOP boutique as well very soon. I am waiting for a gold chain to come in that it fits. This item will be a stunner! I will keep you all posted. Kelly’s FL gold keeps on giving!

Everyone say Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!

May 14th, 2008 - 1:01 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Tank lovers!

I was taking a break from trying not to itch my poxes (is that a word)? and found this on the YouTubes! hehe

How touching. I need to find out more about Tank and his family. We are KY hound lovers.

More Later…Cat, Chaps and Emma

Do your hounds eat too fast? This might help!

May 14th, 2008 - 10:10 am KY Time

Howllo fellow hound and not wanting your hounds to eat too fast lovers!
(how was that for a mouth full?)

This is just in from our Devon. As many of my readers know I have a specific page on my blog devoted to BLOAT

Here is the bowl that Devon found and you have to go to this link and see the mini video of the dog eating from it. It really works.


Thanks Devon for this fantastic update. Chaps is a slow eater, but I ordered one for Emma.

By the way, do you want to see a video I made of Chaps and Emma eating? I made it about a year ago, but it is still YUMMY!

More Constantly Craving Chow Later…Cat, Chaps and Emmers!

Kelly of Jacksonville, sends Florida GOLD!

May 13th, 2008 - 6:06 pm KY Time

Howllo fellow Hound and Florida Gold lovers:

Kelly, I am working on your package and I have a special announcement coming soon about it! The ring you sent was purchased for a certain someone’s birthday coming up! Please readers, stay tuned!

More sooner than later! Cat, Chaps and Emma

Lynda of AZ Basset Rescue strikes gold out west!

May 13th, 2008 - 5:05 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and AZ Gold Lovers:


Our dear friend Lynda of Arizona Basset Hound Rescue has sent in a phenomenal package of gold and old watches for the House of Puddles Gold Rush. She sent it in weeks ago, but due to my Shingles malady I was remiss on getting it priced out. As you can see it is rather a large haul that took time to photograph and research at the jewlery store. Yummy!


Lynda, I love this package and I cannot thank you enough. Marilyn will be thrilled with the 48.80 dollars it has brought in. Some of the watches are still in consideration and I will update everyone as soon as I go to a watch shop I was referred to by my jeweler. One of the watches could be from the late 1800s! Very exciting indeed.

Lynda states, “It’s my pleasure to help the old hounds, I foster for Arizona Basset Hound Rescue and have some aged “forever fosters” myself. Marilyn may remember me, I always take part in her Raffles, and I’ve told her before she’s a hero to me!”

Well put Lynda, well put! Without folks like you, Marilyn could not carry on. It take a village. A village I am proud to call my own, and I am proud to have you as my neighbor!

Our FirstGiving page as been updated with your donation. I rounded it up!

More Later……..Cat, Chaps and Emma

“Shingles” and the City!

May 13th, 2008 - 9:09 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Hating Shingles Lovers: OMG! I came down with a case of SHINGLES. Shingles can be brought on by a number of things, one of which is stress. I am sure this is the reason I came down with it. I have been so stressed out over Emma’s blindness that I guess my body broke down.

My doctor insisted on complete bed rest and I am happily obliging. Much to my delight HBO just loaded the final season of Sex and the City. 20 light hearted, mindless fun, shingles healing, delicious episodes. I have seen them all before but this time it was different. It was like I was seeing them for the first time. I really needed those hundreds of laughs. (I even cried a bit too)!

Hence, “shingles” and the city!

On the other hand, folks, shingles is no laughing matter but one to cry about if you don’t catch it in time. Please, please educate yourself on this condition that can happen to anyone that has had chicken pox. Yes, anyone that has had chicken pox. The virus lies dormant in your body and then whammo, it can come out as blisters that can be excruciatingly painful on one side of your body. It can last for weeks.
Without my proper prior knowledge I would have had a much worse case. I diagnosed it for my doctor.

You must start the anti-viral drug within 72 hours of coming down with shingles or the drug will not work.

OK, health class is over and hopefully I have saved someone from the gigantic headache of shingles.

More Later…when I get out of bed, Cat, Chaps and Emma

I forgot my flippin’ camera!

May 11th, 2008 - 6:06 pm KY Time

Hellow Fellow Hound and wanting to see my Mother’s day pictures! Well, in true form, I forgot my camera! What a dork I am! Anyway, I can still show you one of the items I got my Mom. Here is the link to ABC’s Slobber Shoppe! I love this t-shirt! I bought my Mom the tropical pink one! She loves it. I bought myself the black one and wore it to our brunch today!


The pictures on the site do not do it justice. They sparkle like mad! I love these Rhinestone T-Shirts!

This was one of the gifts I got my Mom. I will try to update with a few other little items later.

OMG, the brunch was killer!

More Later…Cat, Chaps and Emma

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