Emmers is going for a joy ride!

May 7th, 2008 - 9:09 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Joy Ride Lovers: When I get done with work today I am going to take Emmers and Chappers on a joy ride! I know this will perk up our girl! Anytime we get in the BHV (basset hauling vehicle) and do not go to the vet, it is a Joy Ride! I think a few new toys are in order. My friend Debbie suggested a toy with more texture to engage Emma’s sense of touch. I love that idea!

Melynda had some good ideas as well. She will absolutely love visiting with people at the toy store. I do need to keep her more active.

Emma, grab your Emma_s_4th_B_Day.jpgspring bonnet! Mommy will be home soon. Shopping always perks a gal up! Slurp!

More Later..Cat, Chaps and Emmers

Emma seems so depressed…

May 6th, 2008 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and loving Emma Lovers:

Our Emma seems so depressed as of late. I talked to my vets about it and they said that dogs can become depressed just like humans. Our Emma is very lethargic. I try my best to keep the mood upbeat! I feel I do a pretty good job. I just know that Emma hates being blind. I am getting worried about her. Do you think that a dog going blind could drive them crazy? Emma has only just turned 4. Please just put yourself in Emma’s place. She went blind at 3 years old. She was the life of the party. Guarding the window, making sure I knew everything she saw.

I get a fair amount of folks telling me she will be OK, and their hound went blind, but they were Seniors. I am just aching for her. She is so sad. We had a hard day today. The birds she so loved to watch are singing and the the flower planting is going on. She laid on the couch with her back turned to me.

I am crushed. Just crushed for her. I know there is nothing I can do, and thank God she is with me. She does not understand what happened. She is still a young vibrant hound.

More later…Cat, Chaps and Emma

Miners, Kip and Lisa Massett strike gold!

May 5th, 2008 - 6:06 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and panning for gold lovers: Kip and Lisa sent in the contents of their pans about a week ago. I am just getting all of their totals together. Lisa’s item was too nice to scrap so that meant I had to add it to the HOP boutique on my website! I have just now done that and I must tell you this chain is super sweet! Here is the link to view it:

Lisa Massett’s chain in the HOP boutique

Please view this link because this is one golden opportunity to purchase a bassetabulous chain for the golden hoppers! Just stunning! Thank you soooooooo much Lisa. Your donation is totally pawsome!

Kip also sent two gold bands that brought in 45.00 dollars. Here are the pictures.



As you can see, they are a bit beat up, but that does not matter one bit when you are turning in your gold. Gold is at a record high and if we all turn in our bits and pieces it all adds up for the House of Puddles.

Please keep in mind, if you send me something that is in good condition, and after consulting with my jeweler, and we both agree, your item/s will go into the
HOP Boutique on my website. Folks, I can always scrap these items. But for now, if we can get more, I am MORE, than willing to take the time and showcase, market, and sell these items for MORE than scrap value!

OK, I am now on my way over to my Firstgiving Page to add the Massett donation.

Please stay tuned, because Kip is starting his own Firstgiving Page for the HOP. We love you Lynne!

Much More Later…..Cat, Chaps and Emma

Good Sunday Morning folks

May 4th, 2008 - 9:09 am KY Time


Howllo Fellow Hound and more gold rolling in lovers:

I wanted to let Jaclyn and Linda know that I received your packages for the Gold Rush. Thank you so much. I will be going to the jeweler tomorrow. I will report back to the masses how much your gold hauls in tomorrow evening so stayed tuned! I have to go take pictures now of the items.


The elder statehounds will be waiting with baited bad breath.

More Later…Cat, Chaps and Emma

Really, it’s just too much for me to take…

May 3rd, 2008 - 5:05 pm KY Time

Rest in Peace, Eight Bells. Rest in Peace. It is just too much for me to take!

Devon’s 5.00 donation pushes the Gold Rush Page to 3,000!

May 3rd, 2008 - 4:04 pm KY Time

Hello Fellow Hound and 3,000 dollar lovers! Devon and Todd just crack me up! They are so cute! Their 5.00 donation pushes the Gold Rush Firstgiving page to 3,000 dollars! It is so fitting that they are the ones to push us to that mile marker.

Can you believe it? 3,000! This is just so heart warming. This is a very emotional day.
The KY derby, the gold snood, and 3 is my lucky number.

I just popped over to kentuckyderby.com to see who the number 3 horse was. If I was at the Derby I would bet on Anak Nakal as well. Just a hunch.

More Later…Cat, Chaps and Emmers

Breaking news…Emma’s Gold Rush Snood sells!

May 3rd, 2008 - 4:04 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Givers Gain Lovers:

Well Emma is one of the biggest givers I know and I have always heard that, “Giver’s Gain”! Well, it just came true! Kip, Gus and Bonnie just bought the Gold Rush Snood for Emma! Well, I am very emotional today anyway because of my Kentucky Derby, and this has just pushed me over the edge. I usually cry when they sing my Ole Kentucky Home, but the tears came early today. I really am just so touched Kip! Thank you so much. This means more to me than you will ever know. Devon donated the snood, Emma modeled it and Kip bought it for her. Can life get any better? Slurp!


More Later…Cat, Chaps and Gold Rush Snooders Emma!

Chaps and Emma pick their favorite 3 year olds!

May 3rd, 2008 - 4:04 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Derby Picker Lovers:

In post position 20 (the worst), the KY Derby favorite, BIG BROWN is Chaps and Grandpa’s Derby pick. Chaps picked this 3 year old by his name only. He feels a kindred spirit with Big Brown because he is also big and brownish. Currently a 5 to 2 favorite.

In post position 5, the only girl in the race, EIGHT BELLS is Emma, Grandma and my pick. She is a big girl and she can hang with the boys, no problem. Check her out, she has a blond tip on her tail. Grandma said, “Look she has a flag”! Gotta love a big girl with a long shot!

More Later…Cat, Chaps and Emma

Emma tips her Derby hat to the GOLD RUSH!

May 3rd, 2008 - 3:03 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Derby Hat Lovers: We are just hours away from KY Derby post time. Many women love to wear their Derby Hats and Emma is no exception.

This year Emma is honoring the House of Puddles Gold Rush by selecting a beautiful gold snood donated by the bassetabulous Devon. Yes, folks you heard me right. This stunning snood can be yours for 20.00 and 100% will go to House of Puddles.




You can donate 20.00 to the gold rush firstgiving page and this beautiful gold lamee snood will make your hound shine with pride.

Here is the link to our firstgiving page: http://www.firstgiving.com/cathyrudertbassethoundtown

First come first serve for this adorable hat. AND THEY’RE OFF!

More Later….Cat, Chaps and Emma

Stay tuned – Emma to debut her Derby Hat very soon!

May 3rd, 2008 - 11:11 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Derby Hat Lovers: Emma has her Debry hat picked out and she will be debuting it shortly!

Do you have a Derby Favorite? We do! Go to this link and pick your favorite. Let us know who it is.


More about our pick later….Cat, Chaps and Pretty Emma

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