How much do we love azbassetrescue?
June 13th, 2008 - 8:08 pm KY Time
Howllo Fellow Hound and Western Hound Lovers:
I played this song on my way back home tonight so loud that it hurt my ears and of course it made me wonder about all of the homeless Arizona Basset Hounds that need love. Some of you might remember this video I made. I know that some of the hounds are still needing homes. Sigh
Please go to: Arizona Basset Hound Rescue and check them out!
More Later…Cat, Chaps and Emma
AZBHR is fabulous. We have been angel sponsors to a couple of sweethearts through the Angel Sponsorship Program, Maggie Moo(ATB) and now Noelle. What a great feeling it gives you. Check it out!
Kip, Gus and Bonnie