Howllo Fellow Hound and taking a walk to the park lovers:
This morning was one word. Glorious! It was a cool 62 degrees and a perfect breeze was blowing. I’ve said it before and I will say it again, my Mom calls it, basset mornings.
So we harnessed the kids up and away we went. The park is about a 15 minute walk, depending on what smells are presenting themselves along the way. My Mom had Emma and it is such a joy for me to watch her strut her stuff, and boy does she have some stuff. She can twist that rear end like no bodies business.
When we get to the park we head to a very sturdy pole to hook the kids up.

It is in the shade and near a water fountain. I fill up their zip lock bags with water. Each zip lock has ice cubes in it. They love it. I also carry a few pieces of raw potato for a treat.
The kids rest here and Grandma takes off for a power walk back to the end of the park.

I wait with the kids and take off when Grandma gets back. You can see her, on the road with the white hat on. The kids see her too. Well, I guess Chaps sees her, Emma probably smells her.

Hey, here comes Grandma. It was really fun at the park today because the High School Cross Country Track team was practicing. What a great looking bunch. No over weight teens in that bunch. Emma cheered them on and Chaps did his bit by slinging slobber on them. It was too funny.

It’s Mommy’s turn to power walk, off I go! I think I would keel over if I had to catch one of those cross country kids. Here is the view as I head back. The kids and Grandma are under the picnic shelter.

Hey, I can tell the kids are posing pretty, I will try my zoom lens.

Darn, it’s a bit blurry, but I had to post it. I was right. Look how pretty.
Now a better shot!

I’m back from my walk and it’s time to go home. The kids need their morning nap. Thanks for going on our walk with us. If you lived closer you could meet us at the park! It’s a blast
More fun later…Cat, Chaps and Emma