Save it for a rainy day – no need to cower under Mommy’s desk!

August 5th, 2008 - 4:04 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Blog Sequel Lovers: Well, I have the most fantastic pictures………… of Emma! The Mayor was not willing to let me photograph him with his toy, or I should say Emma’s toy! This is so interesting. Whatever toy that is given to either hound, the other one always winds up with the other one’s toy. Did I make that sentence complicated enough? My Lord, I think you get the point.

Charlene sent the bestest toys in the whole world! I have never seen toys so cute! Here they are!

We are just over the moon with them. Here is what Chaps did. He took the Dubble Bubble toy and went to his place under my desk, (it is still raining) and laid on top of it, like a hen hatching an egg. Is this all part of him being Chicken of the storms? Whatever, makes him happy. On the other hand, Emma was running, jumping, and throwing her Tootsie Roll in the air. It was the cutest thing. Here she is in the bed playing with it!

Then, as if she were one of the super models shooting for Vogue, she did this pose.

Our little model got tired from all of the fun and laid her sweet head down. She really is the bestest little girl in the world. Besides, loving her so much, I wish I had a Tootsie Roll, or 50 to profess my love to!

More cuteness later when I capture Chaps with his bubble gum! It may not be for awhile, I hear more thunder in the distance!

Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma


  1. Becky & Lilly's Mom
    August 5th, 2008 | 8:46 pm

    What cute toys and even cuter supermodels!!!

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