Cute picture alert!

August 6th, 2008 - 10:10 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and cute picture lovers: This is a picture of Chaps and Emma when they both still lived in TX at BoBac Bassets. Look how little Emma was! She has always loved Chaps. I cannot believe how gray Chaps is getting. He is no where near that red anymore. Do you think Emma had anything to do with that???? (LOL)

Nah, no way! hehehehehe

More cute pictures later…Cat, Chaps and Emma


  1. BJ
    August 6th, 2008 | 1:48 pm

    Cat….just way toooo cute!! They grow up to fast!!
    Where does the time go?? Charlie is going to be 8 in Oct and I hear you about the gray!!! Being the little she-devil that she is…Sadie is helping him keep young…!! Hope the thunder storm is over and Chaps has come out of hiding and can enjoy his new cute toy!! They are the cutest thing I have ever seen…would last all of 5 minutes with my gang!lol!!!
    XOXO to all!!

  2. August 6th, 2008 | 4:01 pm

    Don’t they? I love that picture, but it kind made me sad.

    My kids are great with toys. They never mess them up. Chaps will lay and nibble for a long time. It is so cute. I miss you sis. Kiss your kids for me! Love you, Cat, Chaps and Emma

  3. Andrea
    August 7th, 2008 | 8:15 am

    Tooooo cute.

    My Dudley is 6 and is graying on his face so I know what you mean.


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