Cute picture of the day!

August 12th, 2008 - 6:06 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Cute picture lovers:

I just snapped this. Chaps and Emma are waiting for their walk!
Guess what? It is 57 degrees right now? Wack-a-doddle!

Hey, I’m not complaining!

More later…..Cat, Chaps and Emma


  1. BJ
    August 12th, 2008 | 9:40 am

    Enjoy your nice COOL walk…..WOW 57 degrees…OGM we don’t even get that cool during the night here in the CA desert!!! Wish me and the gang could join you….I am in love with your beautifl green park!!
    Have a great day…Chaps and Emma enjoy all the great smells!!!

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