Breaking news! Devon is in labor!

August 26th, 2008 - 1:01 pm KY Time

Howllo Fewllo Hound and Devon Lovers: Our girl is in labor and getting ready to have her first child. His name is Ryder and he is a really big boy. I think she is about a week early. She has been on total bed rest. I bet she is so excited. Let’s all send good delivery drool for her!

Good Luck sweet heart. Good Luck Todd!

I will keep us all posted. I bet an IPhone photo will follow soon!

More Ryder news later…Cat, Chaps and Emma

Blind Emma Observation!!!

August 25th, 2008 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Blind Basset Lovers: I had the most fascinating observation last night regarding Emma. I was walking behind her towards the kitchen and a chair was out of place. As she approached the chair, that she did not know was there, she swung her ears and the one closest to the chair hit it. I have since noticed that she swings her ears before her to detect objects. How smart and fascinating is she for doing this? I thought it might be a fluke, but I have followed her like a hawk today and she does do this. She swings her long ears to monitor what is in front of her. This is so fantastic! Survival of the fittest!

More touching sight with your ears later….Cat, Chaps and Emma

P.S. can you imagine how happy I am?

I’m on the phone with Susan!

August 25th, 2008 - 11:11 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and out of ICU lovers! I am on the phone with our Susan right now and she says, “Hi” to all of her friends. She is thrilled to be out of ICU and in the main patient area. She is looking forward to returning home to Toby and Daisy, her bassets! She also is saying that she loved all of the cards and the get well messages!

She said that the drool is REALLY helping so keep it coming.

More good news later…Cat, Chaps and Emma

Is it nap time yet?

August 25th, 2008 - 11:11 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and nap lovers:

Hopefully you are taking a YouTube break right now and seeing this cute video. Caution, you may want to grab a pillow!

More ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZs later….Cat, Chaps and Emma

Second Annual World Basset Races held in Canada!

August 25th, 2008 - 9:09 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and running basset lovers: OMG! I guess this is a self proclaimed title, but hey I believe them!


The Edmonton Journal

Willie, a year-old basset hound, competes in the second annual World Basset Hound Race at Inspired Gardens and Country Store west of Edmonton. Fifty-nine basset hounds came to compete. There were contests for fastest basset, longest ears, lowest to the ground and best howl.
Hot doggin’

You have to watch a mini commercial, but it is worth it!


Currently, the video is at the top of the list. It will fall down the list depending on when you read this blog posting.

More Current Events Later…Cat, Chaps and Emma

Relax – It’s Sunday Morning!

August 24th, 2008 - 8:08 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Sunday Morning Lovers: Ahhhhhhhhhhh, Relax…………with Emma!

Go ahead, grab your favorite blankee!

The mini heat wave makes it too hot to walk, so kick back!

Roll over and get some more shut eye!

Can someone turn down the AC?

Sweet Sunday Dreams……………

More Dreams Later….Cat, Chaps and Emma

Urgent hounds in KY!

August 23rd, 2008 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Urgent Hound Lovers: Please look at this post and also look at the blog posting below. This hound is with that hound! You know what I mean!

I am Arden:

I am with the hound in the blog post right below. Look how skinny I am. (note from Cat, I just did a blog posting about how Chaps weighs 80 pounds. Kind of sad) Anyway, here is the info:

Email post

Would you be able to help these dogs? We are a small, rural shelter with only 12 indoor kennels. We have been slammed with about 27 dogs in one week and will have to euthanize dogs who are not still on stray-hold on Monday. These two dogs’ stray-hold is up on Tuesday and are on the euthanasia list for Wednesday. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

Gloria Tichenor
Ohio County Animal Shelter
1582 Country Club Lane
Hartford, KY 42347
(270) 298-4499 (shelter M-F 12-4)
(270) 274-3106 (home)
(270) 779-0932 (cell)

End of Email post

More later….Cat, Chaps, and Emms

Kentucky hounds need help!

August 23rd, 2008 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo fellow hound and KY hounds in need lovers: All of my readers know that I try to help the KY hounds in need. This is just in from Susan of Bluegrass Basset Rescue.

Has anyone heard of this Shelter? Even though it says OHIO County it is in western KY.

Gloria Tichenor
Ohio County Animal Shelter
1582 Country Club Lane
Hartford, KY 42347
(270) 298-4499 (shelter M-F 12-4)
(270) 274-3106 (home)
(270) 779-0932 (cell)

OMG you have to see this mixed hound. Has anyone ever heard of a basset – great Pyrenees mix? I have not but look at this guy! He is a designer hound! LOL!

A great basset!

All kidding a side, this is one good looking hound. Look at the lace ears. I hate to be a big wet blanket, but this guy is on the euthanasia list for this Wednesday. He is one of two that I will post from this shelter.

Mr. Arden is next. I should call him, Mr. bones.

Hey, we all do the best we can.

More needy hounds later…Cat, Chaps and Emma

Everyone say, “Ahhhh” It’s Chaps as a puppy!

August 23rd, 2008 - 5:05 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Chaps as a puppy lovers: Can you imagine? The Mayor was a puppy 7 years ago! I know, it is hard to believe! I was cleaning my office today and ran across these photos. They are not the best quality, but you can definitely get the “picture”! LOL!

First off, do you want to see his Mommy? This is Glory of the Roses!

One more of the pretty Mommy!

Baby Chaps was inside of her. She gave birth the day this photo was taken. I can hardly comprehend it!

Wait, don’t read further. Click the picture and see if you can pick the budding Mayor out????

Give up??????

He is the stinker, on the right side of the photo, third from the end. He is laying under the fourth pup. My goodness, he was going to town!

Here is a closer look!

Look at that cute pup! I am so proud! Who knew he would grow up to be the Mayor of his own town? Come on…..

Oh look how big he is getting, no more belling up to Mommy’s bar!

Look at our boy. He is the mostly red boy on the left side! Did you know that Chaps was second pick of the litter?

You can surely see why!

This just melts my heart. Chaps as a puppy. He is laying next to me right now weighing in at 80 pounds. What a wonderful guy!

Well here he is about a year old. He lived at BoBac Bassets and did the show dog thing.

I don’t think he really liked that life all that much. Compared to what he has now!

Grandpas ROCK! This is my Dad, John Wayne Rudert. I re-named the Mayor. His name is now Chaps Wayne Rudert! They are birds of a feather! Big sweet guys!

More Later, about Chaps and his bio! hahaha, Love Cat, Chaps and Emma

Susan update! 8-22-08 7:00 pm KY time

August 22nd, 2008 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo fellow hounds and Susan Lovers!

I just talked to Susan! She is doing great! I only got to talk to her for about a minute. She was being tended to by the ICU folks. I was thrilled that they let me talk to her after her second procedure! The second procedure was a minimal thing and all went well.

She said she felt fine! I will update us all very soon.

What great news!

More later…Cat, Chaps and Emma

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