How can Mac keep his buff bod after all that cheese?

August 11th, 2008 - 1:01 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Mac and Cheese Lovers: You will find out the answer to this question in part 2 of our 2 part, Mac the lace eared hound’s, YouTube double feature.

He really is the perfect hound!

See how Mac stays in shape right below!

More Cheese Later…Cat, Chaps and Emma

Ahhh, Sundays at the beach with Mac (part 2)

August 11th, 2008 - 1:01 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Beach Hound Lovers: Here is another Mac video for your viewing pleasure! I want to live near a beach. Really bad! (running time 2:18min) Go ahead, your manager is probably on YouTube as well!

More beach hounds later, (hopefully they are mine)…Cat, Chaps and Emma

DJ gains 8 pounds! Celebrate good times come on!

August 10th, 2008 - 1:01 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and weight gain lovers! Our little starving buddy, DJ has gained 8 pounds in the loving care of his foster family. That would be Craig and Judy. Craig is the Transportation Coordinator for Suncoast Basset Rescue.

DJ’s foster family has made a page for DJ. Book mark it and check it often for inspiring updates.

Welcome to the Home Page of D.J. The Hound.

“DJ’s former owner is in jail and the two siblings that were brought in with DJ went to the Bridge before they could be treated .

DJ has a broken leg and was almost starved to death. He is just skin and bones.

A first giving page has been set up for him. They say he is very sweet even though he has been through so much.” ….Ken Johnson – Suncoast Basset Hound Rescue

Well folks your donations have allowed this hound to go from this:

To this, in just a brief period of time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is DJ’s Firstgiving Page: CLICK HERE

Even though Suncoast has reached their money goal on this page, you can still give in DJ’s name. Suncoast can feed other hungry hounds. Believe me, the supply is endless!

Let’s all celebrate DJ’s weight gain with a celebration!

Well, there’s a party going on right here! A celebration to last throughout the year!

Watch the video and sing along in DJ’s honor. I can think of no better time than now for a celebration! Heck, you might as well get up and dance! Shake a leg for DJ and his broken femur healing due to the kindness of total strangers.

More celebrating weight gain later…Cat, Chaps and Emma

Susan’s Sunday Afternoon Update

August 10th, 2008 - 1:01 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Susan Update Lovers:

I just got off the phone with Susan’s Mom. More good news. Keep that drool a flowin’ because it is working like a charm!

Susan stayed awake the entire time her Mom was visiting today. She answered questions that were complicated with exact details. She gave her Mom combinations and passwords, stuff like that. Her condition is improving rapidly for this type of surgery.

Susan even asked for her glasses and the book she is reading!!!

Her black eye is gone and she cannot wait to get out of ICU. I bet tomorrow they finds out a lot from the doctors about all of that.

Since she stayed up for so long today, her Mom and I think it is best to wait until tomorrow for me to call her. Rest is the best thing for her now.

Wow, I am so happy for her. She really is such a kind, caring person with a heart of gold. She works tirelessly for our hounds.

There are also other folks outside of the basset world who are reading these updates. Welcome to everyone who loves Susan. Check back daily. Tomorrow should be another big improvement!

Maybe she can take a bath!

More Good News Later…Cat, Chaps, Emma, and Mrs. Randolph!

Breed all about it – Animal Planet TV

August 10th, 2008 - 7:07 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Sunday Morning YouTube lovers:

Wow, look at this cute little movie! This will make your morning! My dear friend Ken just informed me that he could not see the video, so I am linking everyone back to YouTube! Channels like this, make it harder on bloggers because they want the viewers to see all the advertising on their site. Oh Well, they win! The video is worth it! hehehehehe

It runs about 3 minutes! Get a second cup and enjoy!

More Sunday Blogging Later…..Cat, Chaps and Emma

P.S. Susan update from Saturday, several postings down. I will be calling her today and I will have another update this afternoon!

Butter, Back, Breast, Free! ENJOY

August 9th, 2008 - 9:09 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Michael Lovers! OK, I am feeling a bit faint after that win!

Wow, that was cool! Michael’s the bomb!

Back in the day when I swam, we called this event, butter, back, breast, free!

Michael is the new world record setter at the Cube! How cube is that? One gold medal, many more to follow. I will keep track for us! No problem!

More Later….Cat, Chaps and Emma

Emma, to be home schooled!

August 9th, 2008 - 5:05 pm KY Time


Howllo Fellow Hound and Home Schooled Lovers:

LOL! I had to bring a bit of humor back to the blog! Yesterday, I was at the mall and the back to school shoppers were swarming the place. The kids were a bit cranky and the Moms were on a mission, not to mention the parking lot that was, every Mom for herself! Frankly, I was a bit scared!

This morning, Emma was laying next to me and I informed her that she would be home schooled this year.

Every morning we have a ritual. She lays by me and I try to teach her to talk. It is the best 10 or 20 minutes of my day. This is when she is the most lovey dovey. She is also kind of cry babyish which is perfect for talking. Here is my goal. I want to teach her to say, I LOVE YOU and I’M HUNGRY! So far I am making great strides but she is not ready for her debut.

I feel with good, strong home schooling we can make this happen by the end of the school year! If anyone can do it, she can. It also gives her something special to take her mind off of being blind. I really think she enjoys it. We work on I LOVE YOU in the bed and I’M HUNGRY in the kitchen.

Chaps has graduated from school so he is the hall monitor.

You better have a pass, lil’ lady!

More home schooling stories later…..Cat, Chaps and Emma

Susan is “considerably” better than yesterday!

August 9th, 2008 - 4:04 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and update lovers: I just got off the phone with Susan’s sweet Mom
(4:30pm Saturday).

Mrs. Randolph said that Susan is considerably better than yesterday. Her brain pressures are down and that is a great thing! Her black eye is looking better and the swelling is coming down. Susan is still sleeping a lot. I am not going to call her tonight. I don’t want her even thinking about carrying on a conversation while her pressures are coming down.

Mrs. Randolph said that the first thing she asked about, when she woke up, was Toby and Daisy.

She is on track to leave the ICU in a couple more days but we will know more on Monday when the full staff gets back to work. Mrs. Randolph said it is pretty quite on the weekends.

Tonight Mrs. Randolph has the task of cleaning basset ears! Yesterday she gave Toby his allergy shot! Good job!

Also, I have been getting a fair amount of e-mails from folks wanting to send things to Susan other than cards. My dear friend Melynda has been working on compiling some information for everyone.

Since this is a public website, I do not want to put her address on this blog posting. If you want to send Susan and her Mom and Dad something just e-mail me and I will help you do that. If I know you or know of you, I will send you her address. If not, I am sure someone other than me knows you! hehehehehe

Here goes:

This is a joint update on Susan Randolph from Cat and Melynda!

According to Susan’s mom, whom we both speak to every day, the surgeons had to shave her head for the brain surgery and she also has staples. Her mom was a bit worried about how Susan is going to feel about that when she becomes more aware of her surroundings. So, some of Susan’s friends and furends are starting a Hat Brigade!

If you want to join the Hat Brigade, just send a cute hat, cap, headscarf, skull cap, doo rag, or any other pawsome head covering for Susan to proudly wear until her barootiful hair grows back in! You can send hats (or get-well cards, etc.) to Susan’s house, where Susan’s mom will be living until Susan is completely well:

Hat size medium/large. Hint: Susan loves basset crap especially when it benefits rescue!

If you would rather send a donation in Susan, Daisy and Toby’s honor instead of a hat, we know that some of Susan’s favorite charities are:


– HOP (

– Noah’s Wish (

– Senior HoundsAbound.(

Several folks have emailed us and asked if they could send a restaurant or other gift certificate to help out with food while Susan’s recovering. If anyone wants to send a restaurant gift certificate to help out with a meal, we did a search on restaurants near Susan’s house and here are some of them. We suspect that Susan’s mom, who is not as familiar with Leesburg, is going to be driving her around until she feels better and her vision comes back to normal, so we are only listing chain restaurants where people could easily get gift cards to, within two miles of her house. We know Susan loves southern food but we think she loves all food–we don’t know of any particular likes or dislikes (we know she loves chocolate!). There is also a Wal~Mart, PetSmart and a Target close by if anyone wanted to send gift cards for any of those places to get goodies for home or for Toby and Daisy.

Blimpie’s Subs
Pizza Hut
Dunkin Donuts
Papa John’s
Roy Rogers
Red, Hot & Blue (GREAT bbq)
Burger King
Taco Bell
International House of Pancakes (IHOP)
Ruby Tuesday
Coldstone Creamery (ice cream)
Ledo Pizza (best pizza in DC)
Bob Evans
TGI Friday’s
Nathan’s Famous Hot Dogs

It really helps when you don’t have to cook!

Well, my dear friends that is all for now. I will be updating everyone tomorrow, and every day until our girl gets back in shape.

P.S. Chaps states, “This food gift card thing is a really good idea! I support this effort as Mayor, and food lover, slurp!”

More Later…Cat, Chaps and Emma

I talked to Susan briefly!

August 8th, 2008 - 4:04 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Susan Lovers: I was able to talk to our Susan briefly just now. She was very tired and a bit groggy from all of the meds they have her on. I told her about all the messages she was receiving and it made her so happy. She is still in ICU of course. After a few minutes a nurse came in to do a check of her blood pressure and I am sure a few more things so we had to hang up. I am going to call her again tomorrow and I promise I will have more updates through out the weekend. Keep that precious drool flowing.

You can count on MORE LATER…..Love Cat, Chaps and Emma

Early Morning Emma

August 8th, 2008 - 5:05 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Early Morning Haters: I had to get up really early this morning and this is something Emma is NOT used to. (Me either) Anyway, I was rushing around and flipped on the lights in the living room and this is what I saw! I had to slow down and take a picture. Emma had scooted into exactly where I was sleeping. She had covered herself up and found her favorite toy.

Can you believe how cute this is?

Man, I wish I could crawl back in, but the salt mines beckon…..

More Later….Cat, Chaps and Emma

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