The planets aligned last night!
Howllo Fellow Hound and planets aligning lovers: This is so beautifully strange. Last night I was blogging away and answering e-mails. Then, right in a row I get 2 e-mail dings.
“Ding, Ding”. OK, I have two e-mails.
One was from Chaps Son, Colby Chaps and the other was from Chaps Dad, Magnum. Huh? How strange is that. Colby Chaps lives in TX and Magnum lives in FL. I hear from Colby Chaps all the time, but Magnum, about once or twice a year.
Yesterday was Colby Chaps’ birthday, so I want everyone to enjoy his birthday pictures as much as I do. He was 6 years old yesterday. Here is his message.
“Hi Dad…look at me, just taking it easy in the lazyboy! I don’t want to make you feel old – but I’m 6 years old today! I had a great day and went to my Oma’s and Grandpa’s to play with Bailey and Clancy! I can’t think of a better way to spend my special day. Oh, I also got a lot of extra treats today too! My Mommy really knows how to spoil me. Now, it’s time for my massage brushing before I end the day. Love, your son Colby”
Happy Birthday big handsome boy, from your KY family. The apple sure does not fall far from the tree!
Then, I open the next e-mail and it’s from Chaps Dad, Magnum! His Mom wanted to share some summer pictures of her boy! How cool is our world?
Here he is telling her to get busy in the kitchen!
OM Gosh, look how white he is. I wonder if Chaps will be this white. He is already changing.
Here is Magnum playing in the yard. Like Father, like son!
And one final pensive expression. Oh how I love our son hound and our father hound.
More planets aligning later……Cat, Chaps and Emma
Handsomeness is a physical trait in this family that is for certain.
I am sure that Colby and Chaps take after there Dad, Magnum in the smarts department. Magnum looks like a deep thinker, and a dispenser of sage advice.
Magnum was howling to the world how proud he is of Chaps and his Grandson. Hugs Ken
omg~! Magnum is so handsome~!
eventho he’s a senior, my jaw just dropped~! LOL
and happy BEERday, colby~!
may u sprinkle us with basset beer dust~! LOL
what a coincidence, huh~!
We can certainly see where Chaps gets his good looks. That is one good looking family tree.