Emma makes her wishes known!

September 12th, 2008 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and making your wishes known lovers!

Well, that is Emma! I just had to tell you all something that Emma did. My Mom was helping me clean, and moved a chair that was near the water bowl. It was only about 4 inches!

4 inches made a real big difference to Emma and she let me know it!

I was sitting at my desk and I heard her “Woof”! She does a very noticeable “Woof”, when she is mad about something. This makes me jump right up out of my chair or where ever I am to check it out!

I ran to the dining room and surveyed the area. Sure enough, my Mom had moved a chair! It was too close to the water bowl!

I fixed the situation and Emma drank for what seemed forever!

Oh, Emmers! I just love how she tells me what to do.

Can you believe how smart she is? She also does the “Woof”, sound when she cannot find her favorite toys.

I just love my girl. She is sooooooo smart!

I learn something new every day from Emma. I love that!

More love later…Cat, Chaps and Emma

P.S. Keep in mind that Emma cannot see –
She fools me everyday with that fake eye!


  1. kipandgus
    September 14th, 2008 | 4:33 pm

    Emma is such an inspiration to us all. We love you Emmers!
    Kip, Gus and Bonnie

  2. ken
    September 15th, 2008 | 5:37 pm

    Sweet Emma is such a smart girl. Give her a hug for me Love Ken

  3. September 15th, 2008 | 9:49 pm

    Ken, If you were closer we could have a party!

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