One million without power in my area!
Howllo Fellow Hound and power lovers: Wow, yesterday we had a may-jah wind storm! It must have been from IKE because in all of my live long days I have never seen or heard winds like this. The weather stations are reporting that they were near hurricane force. There are trees down everywhere, power lines in the streets, and hound dogs hiding under desks.
I know this is no comparison to what the folks in TX went through. We only had a small taste and I did not like it. Our power went off at 2:30pm yesterday while I was working on my ad for the Bugler. I am doing a fancy, fancy ad in an upcoming issue and crack – down the power went.
Wait a minute? No Internets, no I-Tunes, no AC, no TV, my heart started racing. Then, the neighbor’s tree almost came into my house, so I had something solid to worry about.
Here is what it looks like this morning on my street.
Click the picture for more detail. See that stump? Well, that is the tree that almost came into my home. I was pretty impressed when 2 strappin’ dudes showed up and fixed the problem within hours of it happening. That kept me occupied for about an hour. A little wine, a little cheese, a lot of beef cake!
Then they left. Now what do I do? Fingers druming…..drum, drum, drum. Maybe I will get out the crank gizmo. It really is a snappy emergency item! It has a flash light, an emergency blinker – siren and an antenna! You can charge your cell phone and listen to music all by cranking a handle. Wow!
I-Tunes it is not. Crank, Crank, Crank
Yes, I reached the outside world! Crank, crank, crank……..
I spent the next 20 minutes listening to Polka tunes through static and I had to work for it!
Maybe just one more glass of wine!
Our power came back on later that night but we were one of the lucky ones. Massive power outages are still being reported.
20 minutes of Polka was enough for me.
More Later….Cat, Chaps and Emma
Cat – If I had to live like that for too long – I’d get crank crank cranky!
I’m glad all of you are ok. I live in Texas and experienced the same as you. The power finally came back on after 1 day without. That was some storm! Keep up the good work! Josh