Tuesday update on the Mayor!!!

September 16th, 2008 - 1:01 pm KY Time

Howllo fellow hound and Mayor lovers: I am so sorry it has taken me so long to update everyone on the Mayor’s condition. I took him to the vet today and we just got home. If you have any ideas about what this is, please comment.

First off, his vet thinks he will be just fine.

I got up about 2:00am this morning to give Emma her eye drops that she needs every four hours. Chaps was on the couch and I went in to check on him. I lightly touched his lip/cheek area and I felt what I thought was a bug bite. I went and got my flash light, glasses, and a magnifying glass and set up the examination area. He was so tired, so he let me inspect pretty closely.

I only looked on one side because that is how he was laying. I was able to part the fur a bit and it looked like a red abrasion that was slightly ozing. It was about the size a pinky finger nail. So, I applied some Hydrogen Peroxide to the site. He still looked swollen and his lip area was still thick in places. I gave him another benadryl and went back to bed.

This morning he looked no better! That really worried me so I called the vet.

The vet examined him really good and saw something I did not. He has that same abrasion on the other lip/cheek area as well. They are symmetrical. Due to this, the vet thought it was NOT a bug bite. He said it could be an allergic reaction of some sort. He thought his eyes looked extra red, but they look the same to me. The vet said that his teeth looked great, no problems there. He is treating Chaps with Cephalexin 750mgs twice a day. I am also spraying betagen on each abrasion, twice a day. He also got an injection of dexamethasone.

My vet and the vet tech told me not to worry. They have seen this before. They just don’t know what causes it, but most likely it is an allergic reaction.

Chaps is already feeling better, but I was wondering if anyone else has ever seen this?

I tried to take a picture for everyone.

Here is the side of Chaps’ face

and here is the cropped version of this picture

That same exact abrasion area is on the other side of his face in the same spot.

Thank you everyone for caring so much about the Mayor. He is sleeping right now.

More Later…Cat, Chaps and Emma

P.S. I will update later tonight.


  1. Limber/Linda
    September 16th, 2008 | 2:05 pm

    What in the world is going on with all this????
    So did the vet’s office say they’ve seen this before in Bassets or just other dogs in general?
    Our Ringo has had some allergy stuff lately, and Roxie’s seems full of allergy stories.

    I hope this is the start of the end of all this.
    You both must be exhausted.
    Get some rest.

  2. ken
    September 16th, 2008 | 2:16 pm

    OMG The spot on Buster’s neck looks just like that,
    The Vet gave me Genta Spray to put on it as well as Antibiotics. Ken

  3. BJ
    September 16th, 2008 | 2:38 pm

    OH Cat,
    You must be exhauted as well as the Mayor. With all I have gone through I can say I never have experience anything quite like that….hope the medication does the trick real soon. It is so hard when our babies don’t feel well and they can’t tell us.
    Take care…we love you!!!

  4. September 16th, 2008 | 3:51 pm

    Linda, he said that he had seen it in other dogs. It is the strangest thing. He is looking better and I know all of the drool is helping. Thank you so much for checking on us.

  5. September 16th, 2008 | 3:53 pm

    Ken, how is Buster doing? Did he swell up at all?

  6. September 16th, 2008 | 3:55 pm

    BJ, today seemed like it was 100 hours. My sister called at 7:15 this morning to ask me if I would go look for ice. As I was trying to focus my eyes on Chaps I knew he had to get to the vet. Somehow we get it all done! I am so excited about going to bed tonight! I am exhausted. I have a good movie to watch and a healing hound to hold. Emma is being his therapy dog.

  7. ken
    September 16th, 2008 | 4:32 pm

    Cat , The spot on his neck did get rather thick so i guess you could say it was swollen, The Meds are seeming to help and it is looking much better.
    Buster was whining the other night and that’s when i found it. I called the Vet the next day and got him in ASAP. Hugs Ken

  8. MaureenandSlinky
    September 16th, 2008 | 4:47 pm

    I am glad to hear the Mayor is on the mend. Could Chaps have inadvertently eaten something that he had a reaction to?

  9. Candace Wilson
    September 16th, 2008 | 5:48 pm

    Cheesehead bassets send xtra slurps to Chaps and his acting mayor, Emma.


  10. September 18th, 2008 | 3:26 pm

    Maureen, he could have. The Mayor likes to forge in the back yard, much to my dismay. I have to watch him like a hawk.


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