Chaps is feeling better – Wednesday evening!
Howllo Fellow Hound and feeling better lovers: As many of you know I like to update my blog early and often. Well, today I was just not able to. Things have been so hectic since Chaps had his incident. We still don’t know what caused it but my nephew did a pet CSI investigation today and had some really good suggestions via his research. It was so cool how he did an entire investigation, almost minute to minute from the time of Chaps bath to the time of the face swelling.
What he means by Face Mask is the snood Chaps was wearing. I had dropped it on the floor and he thought I should have washed it prior to putting it on Chaps. (good point)
Julian wound up throwing away their tooth brushes, their tooth paste, and their shampoo which was out of date.
Julian is still off school due to the massive power outage. Julian and his Mom came over today to take showers and have fun!!!!
Chaps and Emma really enjoyed the company. It was really good medicine for both of them.
Look how good Chappers looks today vs yesterday!
Here he is, back in his cubicle at my office. (he has a window view)
As you can see almost all of the swelling is gone.
I have to thank Sandy Gaston for that! She gave me some fantastic advise for applying warm sea salt compresses to his snout. I also did a warm Chamomile compress. Sandy is extremely knowledgeable about holistic medicine and I cannot wait to learn more.
It seems like we are going to be back to our happy go lucky selves soon!
More updates later….Cat, Chaps and Emma
P.S. I filmed most of the pet CSI investigation. This not to be missed drama will keep you riveted to the edge of your seat.
OH Chappers…I am so glad you are feeling better….your Mommy and all your fans have been so worried. Emma did a good job at the office while you were out!!! Take care…and we love you!!!
BJ – thanks so much. Emma really stepped up to the plate and lent a helping paw. As you saw, her grandma was right behind her. I love them.
Whew . . . thank goodness all is back to normal in Bassethoundtown.
Good job, Emma – getting his honor back on his paws.
Whew!!!!!!! Glad to hear our doing better Chaps, our Miss Riley sends lots of her sweet drool your way. She missed seeing your lovely face.
Oh, I can sleep tonight! I was soooo worried last night. I am so glad our Daddy Chaps is better and on his way to a full recovery!!!! Cat, I’m agreeing with your CSI investigator ‘Julian’….I think this had something to do with the bath ritual? You think? I will stay tuned ~~~ Anyways, I love you all, and I’m so glad to get the good news. Have a good night, and give hugs to everyone from us. Love you~ Audra, Colby Chaps, and Abby
I am so glad Chaps is better. Give him a hug and treat for me. The best to all of you! Josh
I am so glad that Chaps is on the mend, but I think Chaps would say his illness was due to a lack of treats or sleep.
I am sure that Emma’s comforting is what really did the trick.
I would like to know more about the compresses you mentioned. I am trying to get rid of a cyst on Slinky’s back paw. I have been told a warm compress could help.
The compress was a sea salt and warm water compress. It worked really good. I would try it on Slinky. It can’t hurt!
Josh, when are your getting your basset hound? Tell us more about that.
OMG Cat, I haven’t been around for a while and I just found out about Chaps. How scary. We are so happy he is feeling better.
Kip, Gus and Bonnie
I can’t believe how great he looks! Not that he didn’t look great to begin with. So glad that’s over.
Hope you never have to go through that again.