Howllo Fellow Hound and hating bath day lovers! Like I said, I hate, hate, hate bath day – but I love, love, love when it is all over. I just think I am getting too old for this, but somehow I muster through. It takes forever. It’s not like I just give them a bath. I have to wash all of the bedding and dog toys, vacuum the dog hair, clean the slobbers, it goes on and on and YES…..I know, I am preaching to the choir! LOL!
Next Friday, Chaps has a howling engagement at the Wise Owl pre-school, so I had no choice. I did not want the children to be subject to his rather gamy odor!
When I bought my two family home I had a goal. I wanted it to be my dog dream home. It really has worked out very well. I love my dog home.
Here is how I tried to make bath days easier. I had a dog shower installed in the basement. My plumber was cracking up. We became friends over the course of making my home a dog home. He said that he is proud that in his career he was able to install a dog shower. Here it is:

As you can see, this is Chaps in the bathing area. His tub is an elegant concret mixing bin! Well, he is a heavy guy! You can see his Grandma sitting in front of him. She is in charge of the front areas and I am in charge of the, well, the other areas! LOL! You can see the shower set up towards the top. Also, you can see cases of Lily books behind Chaps. (Anyone need a Lily book?) LOL!
That blue stool is where I sit and break my back. hehehehehe

Here is Chaps at the end of his bath. Look at his cool towel snood that Dona from Ears to you made for us. We asked her to make this so we could proto type it. It works great after a bath, and I want to eventually sell them on my website. Chaps looked so cute. I thought he looked like a baby lion cub.
Here he is leaving the scene of the crime!

A rather damp Mayor, indeed!
Next up! Emma. She is now the whitest basset hound on the planet! She does so good. Poor girl, has to do all of this blind and it always scares her. Prior to going blind she had no fear. I don’t blame her one bit. Each time gets better for her and today was a triumph! She was a champion bather!
Here she is getting her face dried off. She sure is pretty in pink!

Look at that tail in full glory! Not only did she handle it with full vigor, she left the bathing area and went right to Grandma’s drying area! She laid there for about an hour as we showered her with praise.

All I can say, is I am glad it is over. I bet the kids are as well. The Mayor had one good shake left in him before he and Emma crawled into their clean bed. Yummy!

The smell of slightly damp dog wafs though the air as the kids sleep off the indignation of bath day. I am reveling in my glory of getting it all done. My Mom is a saint. My Dad supervised the entire event. That made the kids feel a lot better. They think their Grandpa hung the Moon because he did not have a hand in bath day! (only handing out treats) What a job!
More Moon hanging later…Cat, Chaps and Emma aka the clean kids!