I got my issue of Tally Ho today!

September 13th, 2008 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Tally Ho Lovers:

Tally Ho is the publication of the Basset Hound Club of America! It is glossy and extra thick this month because everyone is showcasing their hounds for the Nationals. I always love looking at it.

I was thrilled to see a picture of Emma’s Mom in it! Emma’s Mom is BoBoac’s First’s Light, DAWN!
I named Emma after her MOM! Emma is – Early Morning Misty Air of BoBac!!

Emma’s Mom looks so pretty. She is now living with a new family which is a really good thing! I am thrilled for DAWN.

She is such a smart and sweet girl. Here is her picture!

Here is Emma’s Mommy! BoBoc’s First Light, DAWN!

She is also an agility gal!

Good for her. I am so glad that she has her sight and can do these fun events. When my Mom and I drove from KY to TX to get Emma and Chaps of BoBac we really loved meeting DAWN.

More learning later……..Cat, Chaps and Emma

Don’t Walk Away in Slience……………….

September 13th, 2008 - 6:06 pm KY Time

This may not be your cup of tea! I was just listening to my favorite songs tonight on YouTube. I love this song and this band. It was of my era! I remember it fondly.

I was lucky enough to see Joy Division play before the lead singer committed suicide. It was all very sad. I just saw a movie a few nights ago about the band and it made me remember how much I loved them. I had no idea of the struggle, just the JOY DIVISION they brought me.

More joy later….Cat

I hate, hate, hate, bath day!

September 13th, 2008 - 5:05 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and hating bath day lovers! Like I said, I hate, hate, hate bath day – but I love, love, love when it is all over. I just think I am getting too old for this, but somehow I muster through. It takes forever. It’s not like I just give them a bath. I have to wash all of the bedding and dog toys, vacuum the dog hair, clean the slobbers, it goes on and on and YES…..I know, I am preaching to the choir! LOL!

Next Friday, Chaps has a howling engagement at the Wise Owl pre-school, so I had no choice. I did not want the children to be subject to his rather gamy odor!

When I bought my two family home I had a goal. I wanted it to be my dog dream home. It really has worked out very well. I love my dog home.

Here is how I tried to make bath days easier. I had a dog shower installed in the basement. My plumber was cracking up. We became friends over the course of making my home a dog home. He said that he is proud that in his career he was able to install a dog shower. Here it is:

As you can see, this is Chaps in the bathing area. His tub is an elegant concret mixing bin! Well, he is a heavy guy! You can see his Grandma sitting in front of him. She is in charge of the front areas and I am in charge of the, well, the other areas! LOL! You can see the shower set up towards the top. Also, you can see cases of Lily books behind Chaps. (Anyone need a Lily book?) LOL!

That blue stool is where I sit and break my back. hehehehehe

Here is Chaps at the end of his bath. Look at his cool towel snood that Dona from Ears to you made for us. We asked her to make this so we could proto type it. It works great after a bath, and I want to eventually sell them on my website. Chaps looked so cute. I thought he looked like a baby lion cub.

Here he is leaving the scene of the crime!

A rather damp Mayor, indeed!

Next up! Emma. She is now the whitest basset hound on the planet! She does so good. Poor girl, has to do all of this blind and it always scares her. Prior to going blind she had no fear. I don’t blame her one bit. Each time gets better for her and today was a triumph! She was a champion bather!

Here she is getting her face dried off. She sure is pretty in pink!

Look at that tail in full glory! Not only did she handle it with full vigor, she left the bathing area and went right to Grandma’s drying area! She laid there for about an hour as we showered her with praise.

All I can say, is I am glad it is over. I bet the kids are as well. The Mayor had one good shake left in him before he and Emma crawled into their clean bed. Yummy!

The smell of slightly damp dog wafs though the air as the kids sleep off the indignation of bath day. I am reveling in my glory of getting it all done. My Mom is a saint. My Dad supervised the entire event. That made the kids feel a lot better. They think their Grandpa hung the Moon because he did not have a hand in bath day! (only handing out treats) What a job!

More Moon hanging later…Cat, Chaps and Emma aka the clean kids!

Today is bath day!

September 13th, 2008 - 9:09 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Bath day lovers:

When Mommy thinks you stink it really is time for a bath!

Pictures to follow………….

Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Emma makes her wishes known!

September 12th, 2008 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and making your wishes known lovers!

Well, that is Emma! I just had to tell you all something that Emma did. My Mom was helping me clean, and moved a chair that was near the water bowl. It was only about 4 inches!

4 inches made a real big difference to Emma and she let me know it!

I was sitting at my desk and I heard her “Woof”! She does a very noticeable “Woof”, when she is mad about something. This makes me jump right up out of my chair or where ever I am to check it out!

I ran to the dining room and surveyed the area. Sure enough, my Mom had moved a chair! It was too close to the water bowl!

I fixed the situation and Emma drank for what seemed forever!

Oh, Emmers! I just love how she tells me what to do.

Can you believe how smart she is? She also does the “Woof”, sound when she cannot find her favorite toys.

I just love my girl. She is sooooooo smart!

I learn something new every day from Emma. I love that!

More love later…Cat, Chaps and Emma

P.S. Keep in mind that Emma cannot see –
She fools me everyday with that fake eye!

Anyone have about 6 minutes?

September 12th, 2008 - 4:04 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and TGIF morning lovers. I am up at my usual 4:00ish AM time for Emma’s eye drops. Of course I am wide awake because, I have to wait a half hour between drops. So, what do I do? I YouTube! During your morning coffee break you have to watch this cute little slice of life. The videographer states,

“An impromptu video documentary shot at the South of England Basset hound clubs summer bbq.
I tried to recreate this the following year with a better camera and equipment but it was really hard to recapture the original atmosphere and glorious weather.
This won’t be everyones cup of tea but as a mini portrait I think it worked a treat.
greg butler 2007
music by Matt Simpson (boy backwards) 2005”

It sure made my early morning.

More fun later….Cat, Chaps and Emma

You ain’t nothing but a hound dog… How eight canines are set for stardom in animal choir

September 11th, 2008 - 8:08 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and singing hound lovers:

Music lovers may say they sound ruff, but there’s no doubting a new choir making waves on the arts scene has an unusual pedigree. Artist Richard Higlett has decided that after having to listen to their masters’ voices for years, it’s time dogs were given one of their own.

He has selected eight to form the Canine Choir, which will perform live at a publicly-funded festival.

They were auditioned for their ability to sing’ on demand, or howl, accompanied by human musicians.

Edward the basset hound, bass, and tenor Angus the Jack Russell are backed by Bruno, a Yorkshire terrier, Zack the collie, Eva the Alsatian, Hollywood the bichon frise and shih-tzus Ben and Buster.

They will perform a free concert next month during Swansea Festival of Music and the Arts.

Yesterday they were filmed in a recording studio having their voices mixed by Brian Breeze who worked with Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page to a symphonic background. The footage and recording will form part of an exhibition at the festival. The scheme was the idea of Locws, a Swansea arts charity, which has declined to reveal the cost.

Project head Grace Davies said: Ben and Buster suffered stage fright and it was difficult to get anything out of them. Otherwise, it went very well.’

The music A Song For Jack is dedicated to Swansea Jack, a retriever said to have saved the lives of 27 drowning people during the Thirties.

Mr Higlett said: There were some surprisingly harmonious melodies, particularly from Edward and Eva. I’ve found a few potential stars.

I felt it a fitting homage to Swansea Jack. The music is quite classical. It will be a celebration of the relationship between dogs and people.’

But the choir, funded by the Arts Council for Wales and the Welsh National Assembly, was criticised yesterday by Tory assembly member Alun Cairns.

He said: There appears to be no artistic merit in it. It is one of those loony schemes which soaks up taxpayers’ money and gives artists a bad name.


Ahhhhhhhhhhh, look at the basset hound! How cute! I bet Emma could have really added a lot to that group. I hope to keep us all updated on this cool choir.

More Howlin’ Later…Cat, Chaps and Emma

Look at this listing! 1/4 Carat Diamond Studs!

September 10th, 2008 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Zexy Lovers! I have to tell you something. Please look at this listing in the HOP boutique!

1/4 Carat Diamond Studs!!! click here!!!

If you don’t want this item, can you pass it along? I am hoping that you all have an huge e-mail list!

Even if you don’t purchase these, can you please pass this link on to your e-mail list? PLEASE! The HoPpers need you!

More Jewels later……Cat, Chaps and Emma

The planets aligned last night!

September 10th, 2008 - 10:10 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and planets aligning lovers: This is so beautifully strange. Last night I was blogging away and answering e-mails. Then, right in a row I get 2 e-mail dings.

“Ding, Ding”. OK, I have two e-mails.

One was from Chaps Son, Colby Chaps and the other was from Chaps Dad, Magnum. Huh? How strange is that. Colby Chaps lives in TX and Magnum lives in FL. I hear from Colby Chaps all the time, but Magnum, about once or twice a year.

Yesterday was Colby Chaps’ birthday, so I want everyone to enjoy his birthday pictures as much as I do. He was 6 years old yesterday. Here is his message.

“Hi Dad…look at me, just taking it easy in the lazyboy! I don’t want to make you feel old – but I’m 6 years old today! I had a great day and went to my Oma’s and Grandpa’s to play with Bailey and Clancy! I can’t think of a better way to spend my special day. Oh, I also got a lot of extra treats today too! My Mommy really knows how to spoil me. Now, it’s time for my massage brushing before I end the day. Love, your son Colby”

Happy Birthday big handsome boy, from your KY family. The apple sure does not fall far from the tree!

Then, I open the next e-mail and it’s from Chaps Dad, Magnum! His Mom wanted to share some summer pictures of her boy! How cool is our world?

Here he is telling her to get busy in the kitchen!

OM Gosh, look how white he is. I wonder if Chaps will be this white. He is already changing.

Here is Magnum playing in the yard. Like Father, like son!

And one final pensive expression. Oh how I love our son hound and our father hound.

More planets aligning later……Cat, Chaps and Emma

Christine from CO!

September 9th, 2008 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Christine, Niles, and Hercules Lovers:
Basset hound town just received a gold and diamond package that is over the moon. Christine, if you want to send me your e-mail, I will update you. I am awe struck with your donation. You had my Mom, Dad and I crying. I will get this package updated soon, but I just wanted to tell you how much we love you.

I cannot wait to show everyone what you sent.

Stay tuned dear readers.

More about Christine and her diamond dogs very soon.

Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

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