Update on Clancy….
Howllo Fellow Hound and Clancy Lovers: Our Clancy had surgery last week to remove his anal glands and his Mommy just sent me an update.
“Clancy is doing quite well for all that he had done to him. He’s still not eating real well, but Clancy’s Dr. says that the antibiotic will have a lot to do with that. We haven’t got the pathology results back yet, but am keeping positive thoughts. The day after surgery he started draining from his stitches where his anal glands were removed. Its been a little difficult for him but he’s been a real “Little Trooper”. The Dr. says this is all normal, but may last several days. Everyday seems to be getting a little better.
Thanks for caring, will keep in touch.
Clancy’s Mom”
Thanks Clancy’s Mom. We will look forward to our next update. Kiss Clancy for us.
More updates later…Cat, Chaps and Emma
Hugs, kisses and plenty of drool Clancy!
Gus and Bonnie are sending you a lot of drool Clancy. Get well soon!
Kip, Gus and Bonnie