HUSH PUPPY! (of the eating kind;)
Howllo Fellow Hound and Hush Puppy Lovers! OMG – I am not ashamed to admit I could become easily addicted to Hush Puppies. I love them. So decedent in their flavor. So easy to pop in the mouth. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Hush Puppies, so greasy!
I was scrounging around in the fridge looking for breakfast and what do I find? A lone Hush Puppy from last night’s dinner – cough – addiction. Yummy, I just found breakfast!!!
I peeked around the corner and the kids were sacked in taking their morning nap. Everyone all deep in sleep.
As I crept down the hall to my office I sat down and within seconds, if not a nano second, guess who shows up?
Any one recognize Mr. Feeling Better?
I eyed my lone Hush Puppy with sadness – knowing my treat was in jeopardy…….
Hum, I had to call Emma, I could not let her smell this tremendous treat on his breath. Heck the Hush Puppy was named in honor of hounds. Here are a few of the stories that the Hush Puppy harkins back to.
An African cook in Atlanta is said to have given the name hushpuppy to this food. When frying a batch of catfish and croquettes, a nearby puppy began to howl. To keep the puppy quiet, she gave it a plateful of the croquettes and said, “hush, puppy.” Since the name was cut, it stuck. This same story is also attributed to a Creole cook.
Hunters and trappers could be on the trail for days at a time. At suppertime the hunting dogs would get hungry, so the hunters would mix a batter out of cornmeal or flour and cook it in grease on the campfire. Then they would throw the fried dough to the pups, telling them to be quiet, shut up, or “hush.”
Confederate soldiers would sit beside a campfire preparing their meals. If they detected Yankee soldiers approaching, they would toss their yapping dogs some of the fried cornmeal cakes with the command “Hush, puppies!”
Enough history this thing got serious when I called in Emma –
This is Chaps’s very serious look!
Did you ever wonder if a blind basset hound could still give, “The Look”? Well, they can……….
One more to prove my point…….
My breakfast went from an entire hush puppy to a 1/3 of a hush puppy in no time flat…….
And then…………..The Hush Puppy was
I think we are all addicted now!
I just wanted to make sure you knew Emma got her 1/3.
So much for my decedent moment of pleasure with my whole hush puppy! I am still hungry and the kids are back in bed.
More sharing later……Cat and the Sleeping Hush Puppy Eaters……….Slurp!
Wow those serious looks make we want to give them a hush puppy – and I don’t even have one.
Glad to see the Mayor is feeling better.
Look at that drool on Emma’s lip…lol!! You go girl!!!
Aww, I love seeing Emma still give Mommy The Look.
Fellow hushpuppy addict, here. (Drool)
Very cute story and pics.
Got to hand it to Emma and Chaps they really know how to teach humans how to share.
What happen to the dog why it will become blind so sad and pitty to see. For Hopeflly you can take good care of the dog.
Emma was a victim of bad breeding. She is loved beyond belief Thanks for caring Winnie!