Our friend Clancy get’s good news on his health update!
Howllo Fellow Hound and Clancy lovers: Many of you will remember Clancy from a few blogs ago. If you do not, here are the three links to my previous blog postings:
Now for the best news ever. I got this e-mail from Clancy’s Mommy last night.
Friday, Nov. 14th.
Oh what a wonderful day this is! We’re off to get stitches out. all Tumors removed were benign. No more Antibiotics, we’re eating good again, all is well. Thank the Lord and everyone who was so concerned about Clancy.
Love all of you, and your Hounds,
Clancy’s Mom
Thanks Clancy’s Mom for the pupdate and pictures. Here are the pictures, plus my comments! LOL
Here is Clancy boarding the stitch removal express, and no more expressing for him! LOL!
Nice and comfy, Clancy rides in style to get his good news!
Oh, look….His rump roast was shaved for the surgery. Purple is your color big boy!
Ah……..Life is good! Now get me the heck out of here! My brother Bailey and I want extra treats for being such good boys!
Clancy’s Mom – Thank you so much for keeping us posted. We are thrilled beyond belief for you guys with all of your good news and blessings this Sunday Morning.
Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma
Hoorah Great news for Clancy!!!
Another very handsome guy.
It is wonderful to see how supportive Bailey was to Clancy.
Our prayers were answered….what sweet boys….and yes I agree they deserve extra treats!!!
What two fine looking guys! Glad to hear Clancy is on the mend.
FYI- Cat – Why does the Mayor have to take the bus? Shouldn’t he have a driver? After all, he is America’s Mayor. LOL
I am so glad Clancy is doing better. Now he can get back to living life!
I am thrilled for our Clancy. It is so hard on us humans when our babies are hurting!
Candy – The Mayor likes to see how his residents travel so he can improve on transportation methods in the town. LOL
BJ – Clancy and Baily are from BoBac. Did you know that? Just a little FYI for you. Anyone that is reading this, BJ had Sadie who passed way to young. She was Emma’s sister’s baby.
Cat…thanks for the info. I didn’t know that!
So glad that these two fine gentlemen have had such a good life. I know that their family must be breathing a lot easier now that all the test on in. The candle on Sadie was blown out way to young. She is in our thoughts every day!!!
We are so very happy for Clancy and his family!!!!! Wonderful news.
Continued health and happiness to you all,
Kip, Gus and Bonnie