Observations today from The View – OT
Howllo Fellow Hound and The View Watchers: Today I had The View on while I was eating lunch. This is very off our beloved basset hound topic, but this has been bugging me all day.
Here is how it went:
Tight shot of Whoppie. Whoppie proceeds to tell the audience how she has the perfect gift for most everyone on your holiday shopping list. She goes on and on gushing over how great this gift is and it is not to be missed. You must rush to the store. My God, she hyped this gift up so much I actually turned up the sound and stopped what I was doing. Guess what the gift was?
The book that Barbara Walters had written this year. What the Heck? Are you kidding me? How is that a holiday gift for the masses?
Cue camera 2 on Barbara with a tight shot. Barbara is blushing and looking down like a coy young school girl being told her anklets are pretty. It was so weird.
OK – Is there a catch? How could this possibly be the best holiday gift ever? I am not a big fan of The View but I have not seen them stoop to these low levels before. Again, I don’t watch that often.
Hey it is not over yet!
The camera is still cued on Barbara and she starts telling Whoopie, that she has a holiday gift buying suggestion and it is a must have for all children and any one who loves children must buy this gift, and the gushing goes on and on. I am almost ready to throw my TV out the window when she announces the next best think to sliced bread!
Whoppie’s kid book that she wrote this year.
Cue camera back to Whoppie who looks like the cat who just swallowed the canary.
Is this QVC or The View? How shameless. The camera stays cued on Whoppie for an eternity while Barbara is still gushing, Elizabeth is fawning and Sherri is yawning.
Don’t think for a moment it’s over yet. Who knew Joy wrote a Kid’s book about her dog? Not me.
Whoopie dives into another QVC presentation about how any dog lover is not complete without this precious piece of literature and how your holiday will not be complete without it, all the while Joy is screeching in the background that the sequel is coming out soon. Look for it next Holiday season then you can buy both of her books!!!
Then, half of the remaining show was about the Barbara Walters’ special being aired tonight and how she is the Queen of everything media.
What a sickening, shameless, narcissistic, display of consumer greed. Are the “Big Auto 3 CEOs” not enough? Now we have the big 3 Ladies of The View grabbing and taking.
You would think that these ladies have reached such career heights that they might bend down and help someone else up. Wow, they really showed their true colors today on The View which was just a huge commercial for their products.
I am still shaking my head. I will enjoy lunch in silence with no TV in the future. Who needs an hour long commercial of in your face greed?
Can you imagine sitting around at Christmas reading Barbara Walters’ memories?
Shameless I tell you, Shameless………..
More basset hound blogs later. I apologize to my readers for going off topic, but I just could not get this out of my mind. Thanks for listening.
Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma
Cat, don’t apologize for going off topic, you’re normal, and it’s kinda nice to see this side of you!!…ha, ha. They absolutely WERE FULL OF THEMSELVES yesterday, it kind of turned me off the show from now on too. I’m SOOO happy to here your Dad seems to be doing better, and I’m sure the Mayor will cuddle up with Miss Emma so she won’t miss you too much. Take care, and know that I won’t buy any of their books either!!
Karen 🙂
Cat – Bassethound town residents need to have other interests to make them well rounded. I stopped watching the view during the recent election. All that talking and not one person on that panel has any idea (anymore) of what is is like to not be a multi-millionaire. They gush all over each other and their guests. I know the show still gets high ratings – how I don’t know since I really don’t know anyone who watches the show.
Here in Milwakee, it is on opposite The Price Is Right – I’ll take Drew Carey over Barbara and Elisabeth anyday.
Feel free to speak your mind anytime. Have you ever thought of adding a message board to this site just for this type of thing?
Glad to hear Grandpa is doing better.
Hi guys, thanks for the comments. It always amazes my Mom and I how a lot of failing celebs “write” a children’s book. I can really only think of one celeb who is really serious with her kids books and that is Jamie Lee Curtis. Can you imagine Madonna writing children’s books? I really needed a stress nap after I heard about that a few years ago.
The Houses that publish Children’s books are really an interesting and very closed society. I have read every book on the market and have done countless hours of research. The big houses hire their own artists which they pay very little. They pay the author a bit more, but they only help you for about a year if you are lucky and then they own the copyright to all of your work. What a farce.
No one ever owned Lily! She owned me! LOL
I have thought about starting a message board and my website guy really wants me to, but I want to spend my free time for now marketing the Lily book. I still have a bunch of ways I want her to get out in the world.
I do have a message board on my list! I think it would be sooooooo much fun.
OMG – how I ramble. Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma
I personally owned the Lily book (until Christmas) and I will vouch that your book, Cat, is top of the line. It is a beautiful book. Alot of childrens books scrimp on graphics etc. Not yours. This book is head and shoulderS above books published by the big houses.
I wounder how many celebrities really write those books and how many simply lend their names to the cover.
Cat , I have never thought there was any intelligent life on the view anyway. If they really want to see a great children’s book they need to get a copy of the Lily book.love Ken
I can’t watch The View anymore…each one of those ladies annoys me in their own special way, lol. It seems like they’re trying too hard to be “controversial” lately, and it’s just silly. They really are shameless with the book pushing too. Ugh!
How funny would it be if all the residents of Bassethound Town emailed The View and told them about the Lily book? Imagine, our Cat and Chaps sitting at the table with the other ladies – Chaps drinking out of everyone’s coffee mug. Or better yet, Chaps smack in the middle of their couch. That would leave those girls speechless!
How proud we would all be!
I agree with what Candy said, only I’d add ALOT of DROOL slung their way too !! What does everyone else think? Afterall your outfit isn’t complete if there’s not a little DROOL on you !!
hahaha! I love it! What would Sherry do if Emma ripped her wig off? Emma goes straight for the glasses, hair clips whatever is on your head. OMG that would be too funny!
You guys are the best to think like that.
Julian and I are back at my house and we are dining on cheesy flat bread, pizza, and of course full test coke! OMG I love grease! hehehe
I have to say I have never seen the View, and it doesn’t sound like I have missed much.