Strollin’ through my blog roll!

December 8th, 2008 - 3:03 pm KY Time

Howllo Fewllo hound and strollin’ through my blog roll lovers: I love my blog roll and I sure hope you do. There is some good stuff listed on that roll if I do say so myself.

I was looking at how I roll and I thought I would check out
THE SAM SIMON FOUNDATION Link. I had not been on his site in a while. He is a hero of mine and when I get all growed up I want to be just like him. Let’s just hope I win the lottery.

Here is what it says at the bottom of the website:

We are a 501 C3 non-profit organization privately funded through the generosity of Mr. Sam Simon so we do not accept any public donations.

Mail inquiries: The Sam Simon Charitable Foundation

30765 Pacific Coast Hwy #113

Malibu, CA 90265

How could would it be to have that statement? My answer is, “very cool indeed”.

Then I started clicking around on his site and saw that the foundation is offering a free spay and neuter clinic. I am so impressed.

The Sam Simon Foundation’s mobile clinic provides FREE spay and neuter surgeries to dogs and cats belonging to low-income families of Los Angeles city residents. Research shows that the primary reason low-income pet owners, who do not want their pets to produce unwanted litters, don’t sterilize their cats and dogs is that they cannot afford the surgery. We are confident that if we can demonstrate that by offering free spay/neuter services, the number of animals that come into our city shelters will decrease, inspiring more cities around the country to adopt aggressive spay/neuter programs.

Wow – what a wonderful way to live a life. That’s just how he rolls! Thanks Sam

More about our hero later…Cat, Chaps and Emma

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