My nephew’s school just issued a, “FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE”!
Howllo Fellow Hound and my nephew followers! This is just wonderful news for my nephew, I am so proud of him. His Mom is jumping over the moon!
December 16, 2008
Adriane Seymour
Director, Communications & Public Relations
Riverside Military Academy Cadet Readies for Historic Inauguration & Conference
Presidential Youth Inaugural Conference Inspires Tomorrow’s Leaders
Riverside 2nd Lieutenant Ronald Hilley has been selected, as one of several outstanding high school students from across the United States to take part in a truly American celebration the Inauguration of the 44th President of the United States. During the five-day program, the Presidential Youth Inaugural Conference (PYIC) will provide scholars with a deeper understanding of the history behind the electoral process and the rich traditions surrounding the presidential inauguration.
“The Presidential Youth Inaugural Conference will provide students with an opportunity to take part in historic events that coincide with the Inauguration of the President of the United States,” said Marguerite Regan, Dean of Academic Affairs for the Congressional Youth Leadership Council (CYLC), the organization that sponsors PYIC. “Something that is really wonderful about so many young people gathering in Washington, D.C. for this event is that it will provide them a chance to become more familiar with and attuned to the president who will govern our country over the next four years. We certainly hope this will inspire the next generation of U.S. leaders.”
Inaugural Scholars will have the opportunity to interact with a major presidential candidate, White House officials, congressional staff members, political experts and other VIPs, such as former Secretary of State, General Colin L. Powell, USA (Ret.), and former Vice President Al Gore. After witnessing the inauguration, scholars will experience the grandeur of the inaugural parade, as the president, vice president and their families make their way down Pennsylvania Avenue from the Capitol Building to the White House. To further honor and celebrate Inauguration Day, scholars will attend a Black Tie Gala Inaugural Ball.
In addition to participating in inaugural events and festivities, scholars will have the opportunity to explore the numerous historic sites and monuments in our nation’s capital, as well as participate in roundtable discussions, debates and other activities that will help to expand their knowledge of democratic principles and the presidential election process.
CYLC is a nonpartisan, independent, educational organization. Since 1985, the Council has inspired more than 200,000 young people to achieve their full leadership potential. Members of the U.S. Congress have joined our commitment by serving on the CYLC Honorary Congressional Board of Advisors. In addition, more than 50 embassies participate in the Council’s Honorary Board of Embassies. For additional information, visit
2nd Lieutenant Hilley is from Atlanta and is the son of Dr. Cynthia Rudert. He has been accepted to The Citadel and VMI but hopes to attend the Naval Academy upon graduation.
End of press release……..
More about our boy later……Cat, Chaps and Emma bursting with pride.
Way to go!!!
Aunt Cat – you must be bursting at the seams. What an awesome opportunity.
Congrats to the entire family.
WOW!!!! How cool! Congratulations!
WOW! Smart and handsome! Chaps should be in attendance, after all he is a government official.