Chaps and Emma get clean bill of heath!

January 9th, 2009 - 6:06 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and clean bill of heath lovers!

Well, the vet visit went great today! Of course the kids were a bit freaked out because they can smell “VET” a mile away!

When we walked into the building Dr. Doan came out and greeted us. How sweet was that? He petted Chaps and called him, “Mr. fancy pants”, which stole my heart!

He then turned his attention to Emma and complimented her on her great sense of smell! He was amazed at how well she got around and and how good she was at getting around!

Here is a picture of us waiting in the “room”!


They are smelling each other to see who is the most frightened. Nary a tail up in sight!

Then, Emma found an excape route! Chaps preferred Mommy as his excape route!


Get me out of here Mommy! Please!!!!!!!


Dr. Doan was so sweet and comforting and rubbed Chaps for a long time. I really liked that about him.


Remember, it’s just a well baby visit! The Dr. listened to his overwhelming huge and gracious heart!


Look! The Mayor had his tail tucked in! Poor Mayor! No one could pry that tail up! Emma cried the entire time.

Then it was her turn!


Of course she stole everyone’s heart! Our Emma! Meets every challange and comes through with flying colors!

We really like our new vet! Dr. Doan spent over an hour with us just in a meet and greet!

He did come out as we were checking out and said that Chaps needs to loose a few pounds. My Mom agreed with him. I just looked at the Dr. with a forlorned look in my eye and he said, “The truth hurts”! We all cracked up, except for Chaps. The truth is we all need a diet, and yes, it hurts!


More truth hurting later…….Cat, Chaps and Emma

P.S……..We still went to McDonalds for french fries. This vet is 2 doors down from the greasy wonderland. Just one more reason to switch vets! hehehehe!

Safety alert from your Mayor’s Mom!

January 9th, 2009 - 5:05 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hounds and safety alert lovers: A few days ago our friend Joni, (Homer’s new Mommy), was letting the dogs out for their morning potty. She was carrying one of her pekes down the back deck steps when she slipped and fell hard on some black ice. She got banged up pretty good and is following her orthopaedic doctor’s advice and instructions.

Joni had a somewhat good outcome but this situation can be grave for others, especially those who live alone. I found it interesting that this story came across the AP today after I had been worring about Joni and her situation.

Here is the story

DULUTH, Minn. Janice Goodger’s body temperature had fallen to 60 degrees as cold as Dr. Chris Delp has ever seen and so cold that it appeared as if she couldn’t possibly survive.

Instead, the 64-year-old Duluth woman will walk back into St. Luke’s Hospital for a simple checkup today, just days after what Delp, an emergency room physician at the hospital, called an “amazing” medical journey to the brink of death and back.

“I’m not aware of anyone at this age to have survived (being so cold) and to have done this well,” he said.

And Goodger, who returned to her apartment just days after her heart stopped beating for at least an hour as her body temperature fell, seems to have suffered no ill effects.
“I don’t feel any different, except I can’t yell anymore,” Goodger said.

Goodger, who has had rheumatoid arthritis for the past 24 years, was caring for her daughter’s dog on Anderson Road in Duluth on the afternoon of Dec. 27. As Goodger walked through her daughter’s back yard, she slipped on a slick patch of snow and landed hard.

Goodger’s stiff, swollen joints made it impossible for her to get up off the ground, leaving her few options. She ended up scooting along the ground toward where her car was waiting, only to find that she couldn’t get in the vehicle, either.

The former Bottineau, N.D., woman, who moved to Duluth this past fall, was stuck.

She wrapped a long scarf around her legs, pulled her long red coat snugly around her body, reclined in the snowbank, and waited as darkness fell. The night was cold but not frigid. But as Goodger lay in the slushy snow, she grew colder and wetter.

She offered one last thought “well, God, it’s up to you” and waited. Some time later, she slipped into unconsciousness.

Goodger’s daughter found her around 9 p.m., after the family returned from a trip to St. Cloud. Goodger was still alive, still breathing, and her heart was still beating, but just barely.

“When a heart gets that cold, the electrical activity is so fragile, that anything you do will just stop it,” Delp said.

It’s called hypothermia-induced cardiac arrest, and it’s fairly uncommon, said Dave Johnson, operations manager for Gold Cross Ambulance of Duluth and Superior, Wis. Simply moving a severely hypothermic person can cause cardiac arrest, he said.

Delp praised Gold Cross paramedics and the Duluth Fire Department crews that arrived at the scene for recognizing that. The heart muscle must be warmed before there’s even a chance of getting it beating again, Delp said. Shocking a chilled heart, or dosing a patient with cardiac drugs, won’t make a difference.

Once in the St. Luke’s emergency room, doctors worked to bring Goodger’s cold body back to life.

“She was ice cold,” Delp said. “She felt, literally, like a corpse.”

As doctors set up heated IV drips and a machine to pump heated air into Goodger’s body, her blood again began flowing to her extremities.

Extremely cold temperatures can protect some body functions particularly brain activity, Delp said but damage others. After about 20 minutes in the emergency room, Goodger was transferred to the operating room, where cardiothoracic surgeon Dr. Mary Boylan used a special machine to drain Goodger’s blood out of her chilled body, warm it and pump it back in.

Emergency responders kept up CPR on Goodger’s body for at least an hour before she was warm enough to make an attempt to start her heart, Delp said. Surgeons shocked the muscle, and it began beating normally.

From there, Goodger’s recovery was quick and, apparently, complete.

The first thing Goodger can remember after the ordeal is her daughter whispering in her ear on the morning of Dec. 28.

“She said, You can go and see your sister in heaven, or you can stay and watch your grandchildren grow up,’ ” Goodger said.

Soon enough, Goodger was sitting up in her hospital bed and licking an orange Popsicle to soothe her throat.

“I went and visited her the next day, and they had already taken her off the breathing machine,” Delp said. “I did not expect her to be able to talk to me; my jaw hit the floor when she smiled at me.”

Delp said that “everything came together perfectly” to help Goodger make her recovery from the paramedics and firefighters who treated her just right, to the constant CPR she received, to the care from Boylan to help warm her heart.


End of article

So, my safety alert is to always take your cell phone with you even if you are just going to the back yard. Something as small as this move could save your life.

I go even a step further.


I don’t even let the kids go down the back steps. I have trained them since I first got them, that they can potty on the back deck during inclement weather. This is where the door with the doggie door is. I also had my plumber install hot water in the outside facet for winter clean up and ice removal on the steps.

I had a situation happen to me years ago where I was trying to clear my sidewalk at 2:00am one icy morning. I hit the walkway, slid down 4 steps, and almost off of a retaining wall.

I managed to get up and back inside. I vowed to never again be so stupid. Just in case you are wondering, I could not sleep and being the bright bulb I am, I thought I could get a jump on clearing the “slush” for the morning.

So take care dear readers and know that we worry about everyone of you.

I would also like to thank Joni for giving me the idea for this blog.

More saftey tips later……….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

A day in the life of Captain Furry Pants!

January 9th, 2009 - 11:11 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and day in the life of lovers! I had to crack up laughing after I saw this video. It is so cute. I also love that Quincy cannot be bothered to go off the deck for a potty break. Reminds me of a certain Mayor I know! LOL

Gotta love a guy called Captain Furry Pants!

More day in the life of lovers later……Cat, Chaps and Emma

P.S. This will not be a day in the life of Chaps and Emma that will go down in their history books. (vet day) booooooo!

Chaps and Emma have an appointment with Homer’s vet tomorrow!

January 8th, 2009 - 1:01 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and new vet lovers!

I am taking Chaps and Emma to a new vet tomorrow. It is Homer’s vet.

Both Chaps and Emma are going for their well baby visits.


Over the holidays my vet told me that they could not get Homer in for boarding and it made me a little mad and very sad. There had to be some space they could have made for him at his time of need. The more I think about it the madder I get.

I also am not that thrilled with other aspects of the practice so new year, new vet! This vet is only about 4 minutes from my home!

I will take pictures for sure!

Dr. Doan has a basset that is in kidney failure. He is very sad about that. Maybe he has a picture of her that I can show everyone. He lost his other basset last year to cancer.

That’s got to be hard on a family.

Well, I guess it is the price for you pay for love. I saw that statement on Guardian Angel Basset Hound Rescue’s site. It is so true.

More vet pupdates later……..Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

UPDATE (about basset hound) – Elephant and dog – best friends

January 7th, 2009 - 9:09 pm KY Time


Howllo Fellow Hound and update lovers, especially when it is about a basset hound that lives in an Elephant Sanctuary!

I e-mailed the sanctuary and asked about the hound! Here is what I heard back!

“Eleanor is her name, she was found on the road after being dumped after being over bred and luckily Carol Buckley was driving by at the time, and brought her back to the barn. She is a lovely loving girl. She likes to see what the elephants have forgotten to eat, you can read an entry about her and Ned in Ned’s diary.”


That link will take you to the webcam page and then click on Ned’s picture!

Here is Ned’s diary entry:

November 14, 2008

Ned had a great day. He ambled in and out of his barn all day, carrying groceries with him. Tonight he greeted his caregiver with a series of rumbles. Each time produce and grain were put in front of him, he rumbled; when the browse and bamboo were placed in his stall, he rumbled; when three varieties of hay where tossed his way, he rumbled; and when a watermelon rolled across the floor, stopping just inches from his trunk, he froze, glanced up and let out a gloriously long rumble. He is definitely coming around!

Ned went exploring first thing this morning, up the hill and into the woods he is a very curious guy. After a short time, he came back down the hill to the hay and produce spread around his yard. He found a watermelon, stepped on in and began eating. Eleanor, one of the Sanctuary rescued dogs, had spied Ned’s produce and wanted to help herself to a piece of potato. Ned stood calmly munching away on the watermelon while keeping one eye on the approaching dog. When Eleanor got closer than Ned felt appropriate, he spun and ran at her. What a sight; lanky-legged Ned racing at stubby-legged Eleanor the Bassett hound, running as quickly as her short little legs could. Eleanor dashed out of the yard, stopping just outside the corral. Ned ambled back to his groceries as Eleanor tried another approach. When Eleanor walked under the corral a second time, Ned raised his head and barked a vocalization at her. it was awesome; he was not intimated by the dog, he was simply setting boundaries. Eleanor froze at the sound, retreated outside of the corral again and plopped down on her belly looking for another approach to the prize potatoes.

Ned seemed to think this was a good game. He watched Eleanor and each time she tried to enter his yard, he would yell at her or run towards her. Her retreats seems less fearful and more frustrated that she could not fool this elephant. The two may prove to be good friends, we will just have to wait and see.

End of entry and UPDATE……………

Howllo Fellow Hounds and best friend lovers! Make sure when you watch this video you see a basset hound in the the first 30 seconds! I bet basset hounds love Elephants too!

How many of us think that basset hounds are big lovers like elephants?

If I could have another pet it would be an elephant. Can you imagine how cool it would be to have an elephant in your life?


More dreaming of elephants……Later, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Chloe – a cold night retrospective

January 7th, 2009 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Retrospective Lovers!

I was just feeling a bit nostalgic when I found Emma all under the blankets tonight. This was my Chloe’s forte! Chloe would burrow under the blankets and fall into a deep sleep. I am so thrilled that I was a prolific picture taker back in 1997. Here is our Chloe!

How warm does she look?


OMGoodness, she was the best warm girl ever.
I called her my……. Clostrama, Young, Drama, Dog! The Doggie Rama!

More Chloe pics later……..Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Chaps has a Lassie moment!

January 7th, 2009 - 7:07 am KY Time

Howllo fellow hound and Chaps as Lassie lovers!


Last night I did not eat dinner until about 10:00. I was in the kitchen, gated in as usual. All of a sudden Chaps comes over to the gate and starts acting like he heard Thunder. He gets all frantic and tries to climb up on the gate with the most scared look in his eyes. He is panting and just freaked out, which in turns freaks me out because it is not Thundering. Of course I think the worse. It’s an intruder or a ghost! So, I quit eating and start the investigation.

It’s all very strange because I do not recall him ever doing this before. Chaps runs to our front door that leads upstairs to Grandma and Grandpas and starts looking up. My heart just sank because I immediately realized that it was about the time that Grandpa goes to bed and maybe Chaps heard him fall and it sounded like thunder.

So, I open the door and we both go up the steps. Chaps beats me and he is scratching on the door. I open the door and Grandpa is cleaning up a glass of water he dropped on a glass top table. Nothing broke but the sound was very loud according the Chaps!!!

You should have seen my Dad’s face when he sat on the couch and Chaps jumped into his lap. I had to explain all of this by writing it down, because my Dad did not have his hearing aids in. OMG what a fiasco. This is not the actual photo, but a re-enactment.


Thank goodness Grandpa was not in the well and we are not haunted in a bad way! We do have a ghost, but she is sweet and bakes Chocolate cakes night and day. But, that an entirely different blog posting.

More Good Boy stories later……Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Lulu Canaday graduates from puppy obedience class!

January 6th, 2009 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo fellow Hound and Resident lovers! One of our own, Lulu Canaday had graduated from Puppy Obedience Class. She has submitted her photo for all of our residents to see. How cute is she?


Congratulations little girl. Good job! You look very fetching in your cap!

Now go forward and rule the roost at your home!

Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Homer’s new Mom sends pictures!

January 6th, 2009 - 6:06 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Homer’s new Mom learning how to send picture lovers! OMG! Joni, I am so proud of you! You really did a great job. You know how many fans Homer has on this website and we are all thrilled to see our HOMEr boy with his new Mommy and bro’s! Just bassetabulous! Here the the lovely family!


Here is Homer in his new bed!


I see the little toy I sent with him. I hope he likes it. It has Chaps and Emma’s smells all over it!

Then, Joni gave our boy a FROSTY PAWS dog ice cream snack! Yummers!


What a SWEET boy! I bet he never had anything like that in his life! Thanks Joni! You are the absolute best.

Homer is a star in Basset Hound Town and we want – More, more, more! Just like our boy wants more Frosty Paws!

More Later……Cat, Chaps and Emma

P.S. Joni, give us the names of your pekes and who is who. What does Homer think? I know you said all is well, but I would love a few more details!

If it’s 3:00 it’s Grandma time!

January 5th, 2009 - 4:04 pm KY Time

Howllo fellow Hound and Grandma lovers! Every day at 3:00pm Grandma comes down to give the kids their mid afternoon treat! Both kids were back in the office today and I guess they heard something. I sure didn’t. I knew it must be 3:00ish.


Yup, just look at Chaps’s ear. They heard something.


Look at Emma keeping right up. However, Chaps always beats her and even trys to steal her treat from her mouth.


Grandma knows all about our Chaps and his dirty little secrete. Emma alway gets hers!

There you go sweet hound…….


Just like clock work!

More moments in time later……..Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

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