Am I am too nice……..Yes!

February 13th, 2009 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and too nice lovers:

This is a post about me and how I got took for 70.00 dollars. A very small price to pay to learn a lesson. I really think I am too nice.

My old pizza delivery man showed up on my door step to shovel snow recently. He said had lost his job. OK – I needed my snow shoveled. I paid him the going rate plus a way too big tip.

5 days later he showed up telling me that his electric was going to be shut off and if I could front him 70.00 his wife and 3 small children could be warm for a month. He promised me he would come back and do some yard work. We had that huge wind storm and I had branches everywhere.

I fronted him the 70.00 which was the re-connection fee.

Well, today he came to do the branch removal. However, he tried to talk me into paying him another upfront fee to do crazy work I did not need. My heart sank.


When I told him no, just remove the branches, he spent 15 minutes working and then told me he had to run an errand. I know I will never see him again.

He remembered me as a generous tipper when he was a pizza delivery guy and took advantage of me. He thought I was stupid. What he did not know was that I was indeed generous, not stupid.

This is just a word to the wise. People are desperate now. Protect yourselves.

I called the pizza place today. His supervisor told me to steer clear of him. He was a prolific lyer.

I am too nice……..

More learning lessons later………Cat, Chaps and Emma

You learn something new every day! Now I am hanging my head in shame

emma is just the actress portraying my shame

P.S. Plus, I gave him a Lily book for his kids. I wonder if he even has any kids?

More true stories later…….Love Cat, Chaps and Emma


  1. Camp Toast
    February 13th, 2009 | 8:06 pm

    Nope my dear friend you are not toooo nice!! you treated him the same way you would want treated in his place. We are living in hard and very sad times. He is the one that will have to look at himself in the morning and you can look at yourself and know you were kind and thought you were doing the right thing,with love and care and that is never wrong.
    YES as Chaps would say. You are the BEST.
    Love you much and hey you said pizza we will be right over, tell Chaps and Emma to save us a peice.

  2. Becky & Lilly's Mom
    February 13th, 2009 | 8:39 pm

    It’s far better to have a kind heart and get taken than to have a cold heart. Don’t feel bad Cat. You were trying to do a good thing.

  3. February 13th, 2009 | 8:56 pm

    Thanks guys. Your comments really help a lot. I have my Mom and Dad to think about. I tend to get a bit paranoid.

  4. marty
    February 13th, 2009 | 9:55 pm

    Cathy you are just a very special person. Your story could easily be mine. I too, continue to be taken in by a sad story and pay the price later on. I just know I can look proudly in the mirror and I don’t believe those who take advantage of others can .

  5. lois
    February 13th, 2009 | 11:53 pm

    i try to treat people the way i would want to be treated. i’ve been in that man’s spot where i have had to ask for help (aka beg) and it does same a chunk out of you…but i went back and made good on things..maybe if i can’t afford to pay back all the $$$ then i offer to do things in esxchange.

    i think you did what god would have wanted you to do…give folks the benefit of the doubt. you can’t assume everyone is an evil person out to screw you…what does that say about you and how miserable does that make your life?

    maybe i’m a fool but i think that guy will get smacked upside his head one day and realize his errors. maybe he’ll have someone knock on his door and ask for help…and he’ll get the chance to make a difference…who knows. sometimes things work in mysterious ways.

  6. Candace Wilson
    February 14th, 2009 | 8:12 am

    Cathy – I have to echo what the others are saying. Don’t feel bad about this – you gave with your heart. I tink this is one of those life lessons. You cannot (and please do note) change your kind soul. That’s what makes you such a special person (and animal guardian angel. What a cold, hard world it would be if we all developed a hard, skeptical shell.

    That guy will get the karma that’s coming to him. I’m sure he doesn’t have 1/4 of the people that love him as you do.

    After all, you have all of us! Shake it off, friend. You are the best

    OXOX Candy and Bailey

  7. February 14th, 2009 | 8:59 am

    Well, I have not seen him again and his phone is out of service. I feel better about it this morning. It’s only 70.00 and bit of hurt. What I find so sad is that this guy remembered me from being kind. I always tipped the Pizza drivers 20% of the bill and my bills were huge. Usually, pizza parties with the family. I always order extra for Julian the next day.

    Thanks for the compliments guys. That re-pays every penny.

    It is a bright and sunny Saturday to enjoy!

    Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

  8. Josh Bokaie
    February 14th, 2009 | 3:05 pm

    Oooo that makes me so mad. Well just know you will be rewarded for that kind heart of yours. He should be ashamed.

  9. Suzy
    February 14th, 2009 | 11:16 pm

    You have nothing to be ashamed about. You gave someone help. the fact that he may or may not have needed the help has nothing to do with you. The world needs good people.

    Be careful about opening doors to strangers. Buy frozen thin crust pizza instead – cheaper and healthier, or learn to cook.

  10. ken
    February 15th, 2009 | 6:10 am

    Cat , The shame is his not yours, You are a kind and loving person. The old saying,”What comes around goes around” is true,he will pay for that
    dishonest deed many times over.LOve Ken

  11. MaureenandSlinky
    February 17th, 2009 | 10:56 am

    Don’t feel badly or even guilty, you should caring and thoughtfulness, he took advantage of the wonderful qualities you have. He is the one that should be ashamed.

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