My computer crashed today! On Valentines day?
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound Lovers and Not wanting your computer to crash haters! OMG! My computer crashed today!
I have the best person ever to fix these things. I made a phone call to him and he was here fixing my system within hours. His name is John Monaco of
Monaco Tek Solutions.
He is my website master. OMG – I cannot tell you what he means to me. This guy is the best. My computer died and he brought me back to life within hours. On a SATURDAY!
Check this out!
Here we are in the Emergency Room!
My stomach was sick. Can you imagine?
All is well now.
More later……Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma
That’s the trouble with technology. You get depended upon it, and then it betrays you. If I had my way we would all still use quill pens.