Gather round residents, we have a new charge!

February 27th, 2009 - 11:11 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Town Meeting Lovers! Everyone gather round for the viewing of our newest resident Gabe.


Here is Gabe with his angel, Audra. Here is the story:

Audra was taking her daughter, Jourdan to school this past Tuesday. Audra states,

“I was dropping Jourdan off at school and what do I see but a Red & White Basset at the front of the school doors trying to get in. Jourdan was beside herself. You can tell it was lost by the way it was searching. I told her to go on in and I would park and get him. Well, by the time I got the leash out of my car and headed up to the doors he had made his way in the building. The school bell had already rang, and he was running crazy amongst all the kids. They were all screaming and the teachers were going crazy.”

Needless to say Audra came to the rescue of Gabe. We do not know his name because he had no collar and no chip. Together, Audra and I came up with Gabe. He looks Like a Gabe!


And who else does he look like? HOMER! This guy could be Homer’s great grand hound!


Can you believe how much they look alike?

I can’t believe that Gabe was right in Audra’s path. It has been a wild ride for the past several days friends.

Audra was advised to let the animal control officer take him to see if an owner would be looking. Both Audra and I were not happy with the fact that Gabe was not neutered, had no collar, and no chip.

The AC would wait 72 hours and see if an owner turned up and if not, Audra could have him, and her and I together would find him a home.

Audra lives in a very small town and they do not even have a pound. Audra found out he was in a “holding facility”. Audra had second thoughts about letting him go and went looking for the holding facility.


Her heart sank when she saw this. See those white metal sheds? This is where strays get held until they can be transported to larger city pounds. It just makes me weep.

To add insult to injury, the animal control officer told Audra that he had someone interested in him for breeding.

Can you imagine? Driving up, seeing this, and then hearing that?

Well, it pays to have friends in high places in small towns. Audra made a few phone calls and there will be no breeding for Gabe! He was released to Audra after a few more phone calls.



Our Gabe is currently staying with Audra’s Mom and Dad. However, this foster situation has to turn into a real home soon. Audra’s Mom and Dad have 2 Sr. Hounds that are not liking this situation.

So, we need your help. I will be blogging about Gabe until we find him a home. He is going in for his neuter surgery and to be vetting very soon. No one has come forward, there are no posters, and no lost dog ads in the local paper. This is a tiny town and my gut feeling is Gabe was turned loose.

I am getting in plenty more pictures of the young guy. We think he might be 2 or a bit younger.

Can you help Gabe find a forever home?


Gabe is currently near San Antonio, TX. Here he is, waiting patiently. He is a love bug. He is starved for affection.

Audra add anything you want in the comment section.

I am going to be doing a fundraiser for Gabe’s vetting and neuter surgery soon. It’s amazing to think about how this one procedure will affect this small town. Gabe came as close as a hair’s breath to being part of a puppy mill. The surgery will be a very small cost to pay for the suffering it has saved.

Thank you Audra

Much, much, more later. Cat, Chaps and Emma


  1. MaureenandSlinky
    February 27th, 2009 | 11:25 am

    Poor Gabe. I will see if I can send in a small donation to help with his costs.

    I can’t believe how some people can just dump a pet. There is no reason for that behavior. There are plenty or rescues to help and not judge!

  2. February 27th, 2009 | 11:39 am

    Homer is very happy that Gabe is safe for now!!!! But he sked me to send some $$ for his grewat grand pup and I shall do so. It just kills me how insensitive to dogs feelings and needs some people are. I prefer to think there is a special place in he## for them when thery leave this earth. I hope that people will rally around Gabe like they did my precious Homer. He has brought so much joy and laughter to me in the past 2 months. I luvz him so much.

  3. February 27th, 2009 | 12:26 pm

    There is a rescue north of Austin in Round Rock, Texas called Helping Hands Basset Hound Rescue. Then there is also Basset Buddies Rescue of Texas in the Houston area. Both are about the same distance away from San Antonio. I’m not sure of their foster home availability but if she can’t foster him then please contact these rescues and see what they can do to help. I KNOW one of them will come through for her. And if she can foster him then the rescue will do the advertising and look for a good home for this fella. He’s a very pretty hound and he shouldn’t have a problem getting adopted out.
    Good luck!
    Cindy, Jethro, Rugs and fosters Ozzie and Harriet.

  4. February 27th, 2009 | 1:43 pm

    Hey Cindy, thanks a lot for this information. I was wondering about contacting a rescue because everyone is splitting at the seams. I was looking at BBR of TX this morning to see where they were located and how many they had on board. It seems like a lot.

    This hound is super duper sweet and loves other dogs, people and couches! LOL

  5. Audra, Colby Chaps & Abby
    February 27th, 2009 | 1:51 pm

    Hi all, thank you for the wonderful blog on Gabe. He is definitely a sweetheart — his favorite thing…….not a toy, treat or even chew bone — he turns them all down to just sit by your side and be loved! Isn’t that amazing. I don’t think he has ever even had a toy, because he acts like he doesn’t know what to do with it. I only hope and pray for someone to adopt and give him the ‘forever home’ he deserves. Is there another Joni Brooks out there? — Homer was so very fortunate!

  6. February 27th, 2009 | 3:05 pm

    Audra – bless you for going several extra miles to protect Gabe. Poor thing.

    Cat – can I use the picture of him in the chair and feature him in my “Help a Pet” section this week? I’m highlighting dogs in rescue situations in various locations around the country, and Gabe certainly fits the bill!

    (unrelated, but the two senior hounds in the picture of Gabe are GORGEOUS! Would love to see some more pictures of them too!)

  7. February 27th, 2009 | 4:20 pm

    OM – Absolutely you can use any picture you want of Gabe on your website. That is wonderful. Thank you. He sure is a lucky boy to have so many folks helping him.

    The Sr. Hounds are Bailey and Clancy. OMG! They are the best. I need to post some more pictures of them and I will. I have many. We have been friends for years. Audra adopted Chaps’s son, Colby Chaps.
    Audra’s Mom and Dad have Bailey and Clancy.

    Thanks so much……Cat

  8. Candace Wilson
    February 27th, 2009 | 6:23 pm

    Is there anything that can be done to the animal control officer who would turn a dog over for breeding? Shouldn’t he be working against that?

    Gabe is a cuties – that’s for sure.


  9. February 27th, 2009 | 7:26 pm

    Candy – good point, but I think this situation is common (sometimes) in very small towns. The mentality of the Animal Control people is not what we hope for. This town, does not even have a pound. Just that sad holding facility.

    In my small town, the AC officer is a dog rescuer. This is so sweet for us. I love her.

    I love that I can show how things work in situations like this across the USA. Very eye opening.

    When we know better we do better!


  10. Mom to 3 bassets
    February 27th, 2009 | 7:56 pm

    He is so cute. I will tell my circle of friends. Did you post him on the Daily Drool? I agree with what you said Cat. Basset Hound Rescues are so full. I love how you show us needy hound and we can all help across the USA. I am in Montana of all places.

    I love this guy. Thank you Audra for getting him out of that sad place. I will be checking on his progress and sending a bit of money when Cat tells us to.

    Mom to 3 big sky bassets.

  11. Janette
    February 27th, 2009 | 8:05 pm

    Cheers Cat. What a delightful boy. I am in the UK and my mates and I are on your site again. It’s good fun going down to the pub with lap tops now a days. Gabe is a darling chap and in my group about 3 birds would take him. What a jolly fellow.

    We are learning so much about rescue on your site.

    We wish Gabe a golly good life. All of us want to hear about his progress. We toasted Audra tonight. Cheers Mate.

    Love from England.

    Janette and about 5 basset lovers.


  12. Becky & Lilly's Mom
    February 27th, 2009 | 9:18 pm

    He sure is a cutie. Thank you Audra for saving him! I know he will find a wonderful home soon.

  13. February 27th, 2009 | 10:20 pm

    Hi Cat – the Help a Pet column featuring Gabe will be up on my blog sometime after midnight. I wanted to leave the tribute to Maxine at the top until the day is over.

  14. February 27th, 2009 | 11:55 pm

    Bless you OM!

    We love Maxine.

  15. February 28th, 2009 | 1:27 pm

    If both rescues are full and don’t have foster families then they would kennel him until a foster home comes available. Or that’s what BBRofTX has done. Best case scenario would be for him to stay where he’s at if there aren’t any foster homes and let the rescue advertise and adopt him out. He’d be much happier in a home than in a kennel. But I understand if it’s not going to work out where he’s at too. He’s got to be a really, really good dog if he didn’t mind his toe nails cut. I have to muzzle one of my dogs and you’d think the other is getting killed! Ha!
    Cindy, Rugs (he’s a good boy when he gets his nails cut), Jethro (ready to attack if you touch his nails) and foster hounds Ozzie (acts like he’s getting killed) and Harriet (she’s good if she’s laying in my lap).

  16. February 28th, 2009 | 3:38 pm

    What about the Animal Defense League of Texas (in San Antonio)?

  17. Sheri McBeth
    February 28th, 2009 | 8:12 pm

    We live in Andrews TX, and could probably foster Mr. Gabe and help find him a new home. I even have a couple in mind that just might be interested. They recently adopted a female and are crazy about bassets now. They bring her by to mingle with my herd for visits. Email me if you haven’t found anyone around there to take the boy. We’d be happy to love on him while looking for a forever home.

  18. February 28th, 2009 | 9:44 pm

    Hey Sheri:

    Thanks so much for your comment.

    I posted about Gabe on one of the basset hound boards I am on. Robbie and Chris two women who I greatly admire in basset hound rescue had nothing but huge compliments for you. They said I would be very fortunate to hear from you so I am thrilled you e-mailed with your wonderful offer.

    As you can see I have copied Glenn and Charlene who have Gabe now and Audra, their daughter who found him. Why don’t we all decide the next step. I know that Glenn and Charlene would be happy to discuss this with you. They have 2 Sr. Hounds that are a bit perplexed by the young pup Gabe!!!!

    I wonder how far away you are from them?

    Charlene and Glenn do you want to e-mail Sheri and see what our next step should be. We do need to get the boy neutered ASAP. I think they were going to take him in on Wednesday. I am sure everything is flexible.

    When we e-mail each other lets do a reply all so we can all stay in the loop and I can keep my blog updated with Gabe’s good fortune.

    Sheri, you are a wonderful person. Thank you so much for helping us find this stunning boy a home.

    OK – Let the journey begin!

    Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

  19. March 1st, 2009 | 10:45 am

    Hurray for Gabe! What a lucky dog! It’s so good to hear that he’s going to be fine. Your a good person Sheri.
    Cindy, Rugs, Jethro, Oz and Harriet.

  20. Cat
    March 1st, 2009 | 5:08 pm

    Thanks OM – I forget to look at my spam comments and sometimes they are late to show up. My blog thinks stuff with links are spam. I check every day to release them.

    Thank you so much for posting that and I am going to make sure I keep this handy in case I need it. I need all the help I can get!


  21. March 13th, 2009 | 3:53 pm

    […] This is the link to the original posting I did on him: GABE […]

  22. April 11th, 2009 | 12:26 pm

    […] Everyone remembers Gabe! He was the very young boy that was found wandering the streets near Jourdan’s School. […]

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