Stump, need I say more?
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Stump Lovers: OMG! I have been following this dog’s career for years. I have always loved the Sussex Spaniel. I was thrilled beyond thrilled when he won best of show at Westminster.
I guess you can tell why I like this breed so much? Duh!!!
Reminds me of a certain low to the ground hound! Apparently they are fairly rare.
Look, Stump can even sit up! Toooooooo cute!
We will follow his reign for the next year in basset hound town. Maybe I can even get an interview with the trainer who entered him on a whim 5 days prior to the show. Stump has been at Westminster many times, but he was retired. The trainer thought he might have fun. Sure looks that way!
Congrats big boy! Not bad for an old man of 10!
More Stump mania later…..Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma