Hear yee, hear yee…Town hall forum now ready!
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and new forum lovers! I have the basset hound town hall forum up and running. Everything is still in the puppy stages (making mistakes) but nothing we all cannot work on together as a town! LOL
If you click on the the Mayor’s picture it will take you to our new forum. I am working on all of the details and pretty soon it will have a fun look.
I will be in the Town Hall off and on all day and most of the evening. If you have some time today you can play around with it. Most of you might be familiar with Cyberhound’s forum. That is why I picked this board, to make it easier to learn.
So mosey on over and look around. Chaps is getting ready to swing his gavel!
In the future you can find a link to BASSET HOUND TOWN HALL FORUM on the right side of this blog under bassethoundtown.com. Just scroll down and you will see it. Or, you can book mark us.
More about forums later……..Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma
I just registered and all I can say WOW that was fast and easy Love it!!!!
Thanks for making it so simple to register.
I love that you have a place for rescue.
Guess what? A friend of mine that I had lost contact with found me by googling my name and the stories about Homwr came up!!! She is in Alaska and will be coming to NY in November, so I will get to see her then.
Thanks SK – I really wanted something fast and easy. I also wanted to make it public. It should be alot of fun and kind of like a mini blog for some folks. My blog is always about my topics. This way the forum can be about your topics. I can’t wait!
Joni! That is tooooooo cool. Glad our town directory helped out your friend.
Change is difficult for me.
Maureen – It is really easy and I picked this forum so hopefully it will not change much. Anytime you need help, just let me know. It is still just in the beginning stages and I know it will be fun. There is no hurry, but it won’t be the same without you!
Cat, Chaps and Emma