Happy Spring fellow hound lovers!

March 20th, 2009 - 8:08 am KY Time

Howllo fellow basset hounds, robins, and Spring time lovers:

What is it with me and birds? Do you guys remember the love doves that were kissing in my back yard on Valentine’s day?


Who could forget them? It was the best Valentine ever! Well, this morning I was milling around the office and saw this ginormous bird fly by. I very slowly moved to the window and saw my Happy Spring Greeting! This ROBIN RED BREAST!


I cannot be sure, but every few years or so, I get a Mommy Robin that makes a nest on my back porch. Do you remember this page in the Lily Book?


Well, that flower pot is on my back porch. The 2 little real birds are baby robins. I just did some fun photo shop work on them to make them look like blue birds. Mommy robin had a nest of 4. Her and her Husband were so cute. Every time Chloe and Lily would come out the dog door they would cock their head and look down at them. I think they liked my yard because of Chole and Lily and perhaps they thought the hounds could keep the cats at bay. Do you think it is my Mommy Robin, Verna coming back? We will just have to wait and see!

I named her Verna years ago. She sure looks familiar. I bet she would enjoy watching Chaps and Emma!

More digging for worms later…….Happy Spring from Cat, Chaps and Emma


  1. MaureenandSlinky
    March 20th, 2009 | 9:25 am

    I think they’ll come back, because your home/yard is loving, comfortable and safe.

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