Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Emma Lovers: Well, today we had a very tough day. As I have been reporting Emma has been up and down but not very down with her back problem. However, this morning she could not walk on her back legs for a period of time. She is still very wobbly.
Her doctor said to bring her down right away for an x-ray and we were his first appointment.

This is our Emma in the Element. She was able to slowly walk up the ramp and did so good. She got her legs as the morning went on. However, these are her weak legs in the Element.
The x-ray revealed that she has some bulging in one disc. She is on a course of steroids but she does not get her first one until 7:30 this evening because she had a pain pill this morning.
There is a 24 hour clinic near by that has orthopaedic doctors if she takes a turn for the worse over the weekend. We just have to see how she does.
Since Emma went blind she has taken a few stumbles, slid off the ramp to the car and twisted her back in ways that I know she would not have if she were not blind
I am so happy that she is with us. The poor girl is just so compromised.
She is not asking for drool yet. Save it for the extremely needy. I will be keeping all of her fans updated as time goes by over the weekend.
Oh, on a good note! My brother-in-law is an orthopaedic surgeon. I am going to have him look at her x-rays. He is one of the best of the best in our region. Emma is his only niece, so she is his little girl.
Also, Sandy – Thank You for all of your help. Sandy is our dear friend who offers so many suggestions for Emma.
More getting “back” to you later…….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma